Help choosing digital

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Jul 26, 2011
Broken Arrow, Ok
I have decided its time to switch to digital since most of kansas is going to the new KSICS APCO 25 system. I am having trouble deciding which scanners to start looking at. I currently have a Pro-2055 which in has what seems to be a front end overload issue or a desense issue with it. I believe my area is high in other interfering RF signals because i try to listen to about 6-8 different frequencies(15-30 miles away) within the range of 153 and 159mhz, and im constantly having to hit the Attenuation button to try and clear up the frequencies, unless the scanner is in my room, then almost all these channels come in clear with the stock telescopic antenna. Idk if this scanner is just so sensitive that its picking out leaking Standard radio waves or what but i would like this to not happen with a new radio.

With all that being said, im looking to get a new digital scanner to listen to the kansas statewide APCO 25 system and have little interference in my city. Im running a larsen 1/4th vhf whip at 19" and a double shielded permanent mount by larsen for my mobile and itll be ran with the new scanner.
I am also wanting something i can move back and forth from home to car. Idk if a handheld would stand up to the connecting and disconnecting of a external antenna to duckie though... And if itll even receive well.

Any help would be appreciated. The only scanners ive looked into are the Home patrol, Uniden BCD396XT, Pro-197 and Pro-106 but i worry the Radioshack models will also have a front end overload in my area...



Active Member
Mar 31, 2006
the absolute best in digital right now is supposed to be the gre psr-500. it is the exact same electronic configuration as the pro-106. but,yes they overload <especially vhf-hi>. the bcd396xt is pretty darn good.
supposedly the latest upgrade almost nearly <?> fixed the simulcast issue.

note : i would put out a feeler in the kansas area you are in, to see how other's feel. see if there is a local scanner club

to be totally fair, i like both my psr-500 and bcd396xt very much.
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Apr 13, 2010
Enfield, CT
I'm unable to help with the front end overload issue on your Pro-2055 but I can answer the question about will a hanheld stand up to the changing over between the external antenna and the rubber ducky and the movement from the house to the car.

I have been using a BCD396T since 2006 and doing just those very things you're worried about. I am constantly moving mine from the house to the car and then into the truck I drive at I'm going from the rubber ducky to the external antenna on the vehicles and have been since buying the unit. There have been NO problems with my scanner and since you listed the 396XT as one of the scanners you are looking at, I would offer that you should be able to do the same thing without problems. IMHO.

Good Luck!



Jun 12, 2010
My PRO106 works great here in Kansas on the P25 system. Here in Hutchinson, I can recieve the Hutchinson, Partridge, and Lyons sites regularly. I can occasionally get the McPherson and Wichita sites as well. I am using the 800Mhz RS rubber duck antenna.


Jul 26, 2011
Broken Arrow, Ok
Ok well by what Russell said, i might look into a handheld because i like the fact that i could transfer it from my car to my house when needed with little hassle. Here is where i need the best knowledge. Another member here said he thinks my receiving problem could be either from my scanner not doing a good job fully blocking the standard radio waves or not properly blocking some type of pager system around here. I have looked at a map of my city on AntennaSearch - Search for Cell Towers, Cell Reception, Hidden Antennas and more. and it showed all the cell towers and different types of antennas being used in my city. There are a few nextel, some tv broadcasting towers and of course radios towers.

If my scanner is poorly blocking these frequencies, between uniden, gre and RS models, which would be best to properly block these out?


Jun 29, 2010
Ok well by what Russell said, i might look into a handheld because i like the fact that i could transfer it from my car to my house when needed with little hassle. Here is where i need the best knowledge. Another member here said he thinks my receiving problem could be either from my scanner not doing a good job fully blocking the standard radio waves or not properly blocking some type of pager system around here. I have looked at a map of my city on AntennaSearch - Search for Cell Towers, Cell Reception, Hidden Antennas and more. and it showed all the cell towers and different types of antennas being used in my city. There are a few nextel, some tv broadcasting towers and of course radios towers.

If my scanner is poorly blocking these frequencies, between uniden, gre and RS models, which would be best to properly block these out?

BCD396XT/BCD996XT work great on the KSICS system. I haven't ever had problems with overload on my 396XT. I went up to a CSP simulcast transmitter site in Simsbury, CT, and I was still able to monitor other agencies on 800 MHz without the signals being affected. Same results at my friends house, who has huge cell phone tower in his backyard. Go with Uniden.

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