New to digital scanning. I have done analog for many years and trunking. Now I have a BCD996P2 and listen to Anderson county TN. Fire and ambulance still use analog but Sheriff went to Tennessee Advanced Communications System P25 Phase II. Setup using RR database and am having an issue with sheriff dept reception. Sometimes is fine then times it cuts out or choppy. Not sure if setting issue antenna issue or just user error. Sheriff uses three repeaters not simulcast all operate different freqs. Dispatch channel (ops 1) is not encrypted other channels are of course get nothing on the encrypted Tac channels. Have the basic antenna that came with the scanner located in my living room. Some transmissions come in fine can hear the whole thing both dispatch and cars some it cuts in and out like a bad cellphone call. Others it starts and then nothing. Some I only hear dispatch others the dispatch cuts in and out and car is fine. Wondering if I need to go to an outdoor antenna or I have done something wrong in setup. For info repeater one is about 6 miles from house get full signal bars on scanner second is about 10 miles signal fluctuates between 2 to full bars third is about 12 miles fluctuates from none to 4 bars.