Help with DSD Plus .bat files


Premium Subscriber
Nov 4, 2019
Cranston, Rhode Island
I am running DSD Plus Fastlane....registered user...Program has current update and running OK.....I originally started using this program in 2020 and still usiong my original .bat file configurations. I use an RTL-SDR dongle to monitor a couple P25 systems and a few NXDN and DMR systems. I need help with how my .bat files are configured.....according to my set up, in order to start the program I use 2 bat files...."1R.bat" and FMP24-CC.bat" is how they are set up:

The "1R.bat" file:

DSDPlus -r1 -T -E -O NUL -i20001 >1R-log.txt

The "FMP24-CC.bat" file:

FMP24 -rc -i0 -o20001 -P-0.0 -g28 -b-12.5 -f853.875

First thing is I don't want to RECORD so I put the "-O NUL" in my 1R.bat. I am not sure and don't remember what the other settings are doing.

In the "FMP24-CC.bat" file I have it set to start monitoring 853.875 which is a zone in the system I monitor. gain set for 28 and bandwidth set to 12.5. I don't know what those other commands are doing. I think I need to tweak these bat files to get better results. Again I am monitoring mainly a P25 simulcast system. I use an RTL-SDR dongle connected to an 800 mhz 7 element yagi. Sometimes I use the OMNI X antenna but the yagi is better. Computer is a 2016 HP Envoy 16GB RAM and a 1TB SSD.
I live close to some of the towers for this system so I point the yagi northwest, away from the strong signals and it seems to work very well.
Is there anything else I can tweak in these bat files? Also there are a bunch of files in the DSD Plus directory I don't need or use but not sure which ones I can safely delete. The folder getting too big. Attached is screen shot of the DSD plus folder......


  • dsd folder contents.png
    dsd folder contents.png
    258.5 KB · Views: 8


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I am running DSD Plus Fastlane....registered user...Program has current update and running OK.....I originally started using this program in 2020 and still usiong my original .bat file configurations. I use an RTL-SDR dongle to monitor a couple P25 systems and a few NXDN and DMR systems. I need help with how my .bat files are configured.....according to my set up, in order to start the program I use 2 bat files...."1R.bat" and FMP24-CC.bat" is how they are set up:

The "1R.bat" file:

DSDPlus -r1 -T -E -O NUL -i20001 >1R-log.txt

The "FMP24-CC.bat" file:

FMP24 -rc -i0 -o20001 -P-0.0 -g28 -b-12.5 -f853.875

First thing is I don't want to RECORD so I put the "-O NUL" in my 1R.bat. I am not sure and don't remember what the other settings are doing.

In the "FMP24-CC.bat" file I have it set to start monitoring 853.875 which is a zone in the system I monitor. gain set for 28 and bandwidth set to 12.5. I don't know what those other commands are doing. I think I need to tweak these bat files to get better results. Again I am monitoring mainly a P25 simulcast system. I use an RTL-SDR dongle connected to an 800 mhz 7 element yagi. Sometimes I use the OMNI X antenna but the yagi is better. Computer is a 2016 HP Envoy 16GB RAM and a 1TB SSD.
I live close to some of the towers for this system so I point the yagi northwest, away from the strong signals and it seems to work very well.
Is there anything else I can tweak in these bat files? Also there are a bunch of files in the DSD Plus directory I don't need or use but not sure which ones I can safely delete. The folder getting too big. Attached is screen shot of the DSD plus folder......

You can delete the .FM and .IQ files. If it were me I would leave everything else.

DSDPlus -r1 -T -E -O NUL -i20001 > 1R-log.txt

-r1 # keep # role is single-receiver control/rest/traffic channel decoder [-r1]
-T # defunct # handled in menu system now
-E # defunct # handled in menu system now
-O NUL # don't record DSDPlus.wav /
-i20001 # keep # link ID to FMP24.exe
>1R-log.txt # event log -- can get large

FMP24 -rc -i0 -o20001 -P -0.0 -g28 -b-12.5 -f853.875

-rc # keep # Role is trunk control/rest channel monitor
-i0 # keep # Use first available RTL SDR device [-i0]
-P<num> # keep # Frequency correction PPM value (-999.9-999.9) [-P0.0]
- you know the rest for FMP24

So keep everything in FMP24-CC.bat
And ditches -T -E in 1R.bat

Incidentally, if you open up a command prompt and navigate to the directory your DSDPlus is in:

dsdplus -h
fmp24 -h

Those will give you the commandline information (which is where i got much of what I posted above)


Premium Subscriber
Nov 4, 2019
Cranston, Rhode Island
OK tghank
You can delete the .FM and .IQ files. If it were me I would leave everything else.

DSDPlus -r1 -T -E -O NUL -i20001 > 1R-log.txt

-r1 # keep # role is single-receiver control/rest/traffic channel decoder [-r1]
-T # defunct # handled in menu system now
-E # defunct # handled in menu system now
-O NUL # don't record DSDPlus.wav /
-i20001 # keep # link ID to FMP24.exe
>1R-log.txt # event log -- can get large

FMP24 -rc -i0 -o20001 -P -0.0 -g28 -b-12.5 -f853.875

-rc # keep # Role is trunk control/rest channel monitor
-i0 # keep # Use first available RTL SDR device [-i0]
-P<num> # keep # Frequency correction PPM value (-999.9-999.9) [-P0.0]
- you know the rest for FMP24

So keep everything in FMP24-CC.bat
And ditches -T -E in 1R.bat

Incidentally, if you open up a command prompt and navigate to the directory your DSDPlus is in:

dsdplus -h
fmp24 -h

Those will give you the commandline information (which is where i got much of what I posted above)
Thank you, I will do those things.


Jun 10, 2006
I am running DSD Plus Fastlane....registered user...Program has current update and running OK.....I originally started using this program in 2020 and still usiong my original .bat file configurations. I use an RTL-SDR dongle to monitor a couple P25 systems and a few NXDN and DMR systems. I need help with how my .bat files are configured.....according to my set up, in order to start the program I use 2 bat files...."1R.bat" and FMP24-CC.bat" is how they are set up:

The "1R.bat" file:

DSDPlus -r1 -T -E -O NUL -i20001 >1R-log.txt

The "FMP24-CC.bat" file:

FMP24 -rc -i0 -o20001 -P-0.0 -g28 -b-12.5 -f853.875

First thing is I don't want to RECORD so I put the "-O NUL" in my 1R.bat. I am not sure and don't remember what the other settings are doing.

In the "FMP24-CC.bat" file I have it set to start monitoring 853.875 which is a zone in the system I monitor. gain set for 28 and bandwidth set to 12.5. I don't know what those other commands are doing. I think I need to tweak these bat files to get better results. Again I am monitoring mainly a P25 simulcast system. I use an RTL-SDR dongle connected to an 800 mhz 7 element yagi. Sometimes I use the OMNI X antenna but the yagi is better. Computer is a 2016 HP Envoy 16GB RAM and a 1TB SSD.
I live close to some of the towers for this system so I point the yagi northwest, away from the strong signals and it seems to work very well.
Is there anything else I can tweak in these bat files? Also there are a bunch of files in the DSD Plus directory I don't need or use but not sure which ones I can safely delete. The folder getting too big. Attached is screen shot of the DSD plus folder......
I noticed that the "FMP24-CC.bat" file is coded with the fourth and fifth arguments coded together, without a space between them. If you typed that into your post, then it's probably just a typo. However, if you copied the contents of the file into the clipboard, and pasted it into your post, it might be something to consider.

Just so you know, I don't have the first clue as to what you're doing, or what the software does, but after nearly 30 years of making mistakes like this, I guess I've developed an eye for it.

FMP24 -rc -i0 -o20001 -P-0.0 -g28 -b-12.5 -f853.875


Premium Subscriber
Nov 4, 2019
Cranston, Rhode Island
I noticed that the "FMP24-CC.bat" file is coded with the fourth and fifth arguments coded together, without a space between them. If you typed that into your post, then it's probably just a typo. However, if you copied the contents of the file into the clipboard, and pasted it into your post, it might be something to consider.

Just so you know, I don't have the first clue as to what you're doing, or what the software does, but after nearly 30 years of making mistakes like this, I guess I've developed an eye for it.

FMP24 -rc -i0 -o20001 -P-0.0 -g28 -b-12.5 -f853.875
I double checked and there is a space in my original bat files.....i mighta copied them to post here with what looks like a very little or no space.


Jun 10, 2006
I double checked and there is a space in my original bat files.....i mighta copied them to post here with what looks like a very little or no space.
Check the 7th and 8th argument as well...

FMP24 -rc -i0 -o20001 -P-0.0 -g28 -b-12.5 -f853.875


Old Radio Guy
Premium Subscriber
Jan 18, 2005
This .bat file may not be any use to you but I use it all the time. I mostly search and listen,
don't sit on a site very long. The recording part would have to be changed. I have another
.bat file that selects which site I won't to monitor and sets up the .bat file with the input and
frequency. Some of the commands were deleted in the newer versions, this works in ver 2.457.


@Echo off
title My SDR Menu
mode 70,45
color 2f
echo Select a SDR - Antenna
echo ================================================================
echo SDR Serial Number Antenna -i?
echo 1 Airspy 573064DC316D33C1 Outside -i1 first in FMPA.cfg
echo 2 Airspy 644064DC354A1DCD Outside -i2 second in FMPA.cfg
echo 3 RTL 00000009 None -i"00000009"
echo 4 RTL 00000001 Outside -i"00000001"
echo 5 SDRPlay 1710004020 None -i1
echo 6 Flt Aw 00000003 Outside -i"00000003"
echo 7 Airspy A74068C8306D3393 Outside -i3 third in FMPA.cfg
echo 8 Airspy A74068C837602F93 Outside -i4 fourth in FMPA.cfg
echo 9 EXIT
set /p sdrnum=---Enter the number for the SDR you want to use--
if "%sdrnum%"=="9" goto quit
set /p freq=---Enter the Frequency XXX.XXXX--
if "%sdrnum%"=="1" goto a1
if "%sdrnum%"=="2" goto a2
if "%sdrnum%"=="3" goto a3
if "%sdrnum%"=="4" goto a4
if "%sdrnum%"=="5" goto a5
if "%sdrnum%"=="6" goto a6
if "%sdrnum%"=="7" goto a7
if "%sdrnum%"=="8" goto a8
if "%sdrnum%"=="9" goto quit
taskkill /f /im fmp24.exe >nul
taskkill /im fmpp.exe >nul
taskkill /im fmpa.exe >nul
taskkill /f /im dsdplus.exe >nul
set a="-o1"
goto dsdfmpa1
set a="-o2"
goto dsdfmpa2
set a=-i"00000009"
goto dsdfmp24-1
set a=-i"00000001"
goto dsdfmp24-2
set a="-i1"
goto fmpp
set a=-i"00000003"
goto dsdfmp24-3
set a="-i3"
goto dsdfmpa3
set a="-i4"
goto dsdfmpa4
start CMD /c "FMPA %a% -o20030 -f%freq% -b7.6 -L9 -M9 -V9 >fmpa1-cc.log"
start CMD /c "DSDPlus -r1 -F1 -T -E -i20030 -o1L -v4 >CC1.log"
goto exit
start CMD /c "FMPA %a% -o20036 -f%freq% -b7.6 -L9 -M9 -V9 >fmpa2-cc.log"
start CMD /c "DSDPlus -r1 -F2 -e -T -E -Pwav -m1 -i20036 -o1R -v4 >CC2.log"
goto exit
start CMD /c "FMPA %a% -o20038 -f%freq% -b7.6 -L9 -M9 -V9 >fmpa3-cc.log"
start CMD /c "DSDPlus -r1 -F3 -e -T -E -Pmp3 -m1 -i20038 -o1L -v4 >CC3.log"
goto exit
start CMD /c "FMPA %a% -o20040 -f%freq% -b7.6 -L9 -M9 -V9 >fmpa4-cc.log"
start CMD /c "DSDPlus -r1 -F4 -e -T -E -Pmp3 -m1 -i20040 -o1R -v4 >CC4.log"
goto exit
start CMD /c "FMP24 %a% -o20032 -f%freq% -b7.6 -g27.5"
start CMD /c "DSDPlus -F2 -r1 -e -T -E -Pmp3 -m1 -i20032 -o1R -OM >CC5.log"
goto exit
start CMD /c "FMP24 %a% -o20034 -f%freq% -b7.6 -g27.5"
start CMD /c "DSDPlus -F3 -r1 -e -T -E -Pmp3 -m1 -i20034 -o1R -OM >CC6.log"
goto exit
start CMD /c "FMP24 %a% -o20035 -f%freq% -b7.6 -P0.0 -g27.5"
start CMD /c "DSDPlus -F4 -r1 -e -T -E -Pmp3 -m1 -i20035 -o1R -OM >CC7.log"
goto exit
start FMPP -i1 -o20033 -f%freq% -L5 -b12.5
start DSDPlus -F6 -r1 -e -T -E -Pmp3 -m1 -i20033 -OM NUL
goto home
goto home


Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2000
That file seems VERY specific to your operation of multiple SDRs including Airspys (which need those individual serial numbers). Way overkill for the setup the original post references. Would be very confusing for someone that is looking for basic startup help


Premium Subscriber
Nov 4, 2019
Cranston, Rhode Island
That file seems VERY specific to your operation of multiple SDRs including Airspys (which need those individual serial numbers). Way overkill for the setup the original post references. Would be very confusing for someone that is looking for basic startup help
It reminds me of the old DOS batch files I used to make for colorful menus