HEXadecimal vs DECimal

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Premium Subscriber
May 29, 2016
I have saved some working trunked systems from South Carolina to "Archive". These takgroups ALL worked O used them for many months. The TGID was in HEX. So now I am starting clean with a new trunking system here in Western MI. But EZ scan WILL not allow me to enter any hex TGIDs in the new archive I created. They must be Decimal or it Errors as OUT OF RANGE. If I load the other archive and add a new talk group line it Allows me to create a TGID in HEX... Also I noticed that when I loaded a CSV file I created - one that that had Hex in it, the system truncates as soon as it sees a Hex character like ABCDEF. So a talk group ID of 123C in the CSV file would truncate as 123. Or one that begins as A123 would be thrown out altogether since it begins with a character in the Hexadecimnal range 'A'.

I added 34 Michigan police talk groups using their DECIMAL values but I hear nothing. So if what is allowed or understood is determined by the radio (A PRO-668 with whistler firmware) then I suppose mine is looking for HEX. And given that HEX is what worked down in SC it must be looking for HEX. BUT as I said I cannot put Hex in this new list.

HOW can I fix this?
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