yes it is true,travis and i are very close friends,he starts feb 1st at kotv.its been in the works for 3 weeks now,negotiations are a time consuming process,i have dubbed it the great meteoroligical heist of "04".Travis is a great person, jim giles and a few of his staff(now ex staff) taught me so much about weather.i was a master control op for kotv and quickly became a chaser for them in 94,jim has so many stories to tell and is a great guy. i left 6 in 99 and travis snagged me up instantly,i have learned greatly from him,we've covered alot of storms together, may 3rd 99 still at 8 and will miss him but believe me he made a career move and NO ONE should or could blame him for it. He has a lovely wife and kids to think about. So to help any of you to avoid confusion i thought id confirm it here. As for Giles im not sure what he is going to do,congestive heart failure has really taken a toll on him I hear and recovery from any medical situation is a long and weary road. I wish I could say more right now but I cant,BUT I will say that if any of you ever have the chance to sit down and talk to Trav or Jim they are extremely nice fellas with some incredible stories to tell and the history between both of them is beyond exceptional.
MarK Folta.