I got the Challenger antenna up, the one made by Gap and it works fantastic within the limits of a multi band vertical. All multi band verticals have limits.
I also put up an Alpha Delta EE 4 band antenna in an inverted "V" that came with the used radio I bought.
My findings are this, The Gap is a KILLER on 20 and 40 meters, works on 80, but is not the best. The inverted "V" is less on 20 meters and about 1 "S" unit higher on 15 meters.
The Gap antennas are all vertical dipoles, that is why you don't need the radials except for the 3 that go with the 40 meter band.
I have made some great DX contacts and broke into some pretty good pile up's with just 100 watts. For a decent price, it's a great small space set up. The 4 band antenna can be self made for next to nothing and in the V formation, takes up very little room.
I also just bought a Gap Voyager DX because I want to work 80 meters and a decent portion of the 160 meter band. It's not the best on 160 or 20 meters, but on all bands inbetween, it's a great antenna, same deal, 3 radial wires, but for the 80 meter band. Reports on E Ham have some making some good contacts on 160.
This really is a set up to consider since a vertical will give a much lower take of angle than a dipole for more DX range and being dipoles themselves, they are far quieter than regular verticals. The Voyager is now almost $500.00 with shipping, but ARS has a sale, $349.95 shipped, you can't beat it for that price.
All multi band verticals have some bands that don't work all that great, but they also have bands that work great DX. It's not a Yagi on a 70' tower, but it sure has been doing the job for me. I'm one happy camper.
Take a look at the reviews on E Ham, they are pretty darn good. A few don't like them, but I cannot see how unless they didn't assemble them right or have them in a bad place or poor connection.
I did find that the higher bands above 20 meters were lacking, but who has just one antenna today. There is no way one antenna will do everything, you need several if you want to cover the bands and space, lack of a tower and no tree's makes one have to find the best that will work within the limitations one has at their QTH.
73's John