HFDL Synch issue


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Premium Subscriber
Aug 7, 2019
Hello all,

Been trying to decode HFDL with an AirSpy HF+ Discovery. It did worked for a few days but now it just won't work. I think it's a synch issue. Fotunately i have another SDR make some tests and this is why i think it's a synch issue.

Here is the non working setup:

Loop => Airspy =>SDR# => VAC => PC-HFDL

As you can see, the signal is split between frame 0 and 1 but it should be in a single frame (between the blue vertical lines)


Here is the working setup:

Loop => SDRPlay Duo =>SDRUno => VAC => PC-HFDL

You can clearly se signal starting properly at the beginning of frame 0 and 4 and the signal is decoded.


I have tried to play with any settings i can think of but i just can't synch the signal with the first setup. I tried another USB cable and even another computer but the problem remains.

Any idea what might be causing this and how to solve it ?

Many thanks

73 de va2fcs