Hello Folks ! My question refers to my HP 2, Which is about 4 yrs. old. Currently, I scan approx. 30 Freqs of Maryland's trunk system " First Responders Interoperable Radio System Team, ( F.I.R.S.T. ), which is a trunked project 25 Phase II system. I also scan 2 analog freqs. 4 days ago, I noticed the only reception I was getting was on the 2 analog channels. Nothing on the trunked system. The software I use is the latest version of Sentinel. I checked the Uniden site, and I still have the current firmware versions in the scanner. I also checked the RR database & NONE of the trunked freqs. I'm using are encrypted, & in reviewing the system history, there are no changes to my freqs other than renaming the sites. Also, all control numbers in the scanner match the database & All service types in the scanner are properly entered. The scanner is in the same location in my house since its purchase. As previously mentioned, only the 2 analog channels are receiving. I switched from using my fav lists to the full data base & locking it on the F.I.R.S.T. system, still no activity is heard. So could there be some type of corruption going on in the scanner ? Any suggestions & help is appreciated. Thank You.