So on the Uniden x36HP scanners I've been hearing a lot about the housekeeping function which handles data being saved to the SD card such as recorded audio, etc. I am aware that during housekeeping control channel data is temporarily lost for a few milliseconds. I believe there is a way to turn this off on the X36HP scanners, am I right? Does the SDS100 have the housekeeping as well? On my SDS100 I notice that if one TRS is activated and scanning even with solid reception, the signal bars intermittently go out and the "DATA" icon flashes. The frequency of this seems to coincide with the length of the system hold time set in System Options. This would indicate to me that there is some kind of housekeeping type function occuring when the bars go out. Is there a way to turn this off? The reason I am asking is that I notice some problems with the SDS100 losing transmissions on P25 phase 2 audio. I am trying to see if allowing the scanner to stay on the control channel at all times will remedy this. Thanks in advance.