A 150MHz signal will be 15dB stronger than a 900MHz signal transmitted with the same power. In the 150MHz band it can be some high powered pager transmitters or any of those NOAA transmitters.So, why do we hear the radio described as “mediocre” on the VHF/UHF bands so many times? Maybe it’s more susceptible to one or more variables I mention.
As soon as the received signal in a SDS scanner gets stronger than -60dBm it will create intermod signals inside its receiver chip and generate interference that could make the monitored signal distorted or totally disappear. If a received signal inside a 10MHz bandwidth are too strong, like -40dBm or stronger it will desense a SDS scanner. Intermod and desense at these levels are not happening to other scanners. If you have RF issues at your location then it will be a SDS scanner that will notice it first.
Attenuation can be individually set to conventional frequencies and trunked sites and will help if your monitored signal are always -80dBm or stronger.