I have been monitoring a very busy DMR transmission on 451.2375. Radio is BCD996P2. It sounds like some kind of commercial user. I am using PROSCAN with HISTORY LOGGING and see that the color code is "1" and on same freq are OTHER additional color codes (2, 3, 5, 6, 9 & 15) I programmed this as a DMR 1 FREQ TRUNK. I cycled thru the 3 different displays but only see CC and Slot 1. How can I find the actual TALK GROUPS??? Eventually, when I find out who the user is I want to program the info into my Anytone 878 DMR radio. I have a bunch of local commercial DMR freqs/users in the radio. I was able to find all the TGs on either Radio Reference or N E Scan. Using Proscan I dont see any way to add a talk group. Someone in another post mentioned using a DUMMY TG. but I dont understand how to do this. I searched the RR database and there isn't anything listed on that freq for DMR. It may be a NEW ENTITY. There is a TOP GOLF facility a couple miles from my house. Signal is STRONG. But the transmissions are hard to figure out if what I am hearing is TOP GOLF or someone else. The facility is new and there is not much info on RR or NE SCAN. Just a bunch of local/nationwide freqs for this company. Apparently there are TOP GOLF places all over. I am in Rhode Island. Top Golf is in Cranston. Attached is my logging page in Proscan and the database view.
You have it programmed as a conventional channel. In order to see talkgroups, as well as slots, you'd need to program it as a One Frequency Trunked System. Enter that frequency in a Site, and set the system to ID Search.

Besides Top Golf, there is a school district, as well as a transport company, licensed for that frequency in your county. It also shows as licensed to several different entities in nearby MA counties. You may find that one. or more, of these licensees uses a different color code for each location. They could also use specific talkgroups for a location, or for usage. An example would be the school district using one talkgroup for operations at a school, with a different talkgroup assigned (but used on the same frequency) for buses, security, or maintenance.
See the sample ProScan file attached. Add that to your existing program file & drop that frequency from your programmed list of conventional frequencies. I added a dummy talkgroup, though one is not specifically needed. You might also find that more than one function uses the same talkgroup, but the assigned slot is the separation between the users. For example, again using the school district, they may use the same talkgroup, but Slot 1 might be used for operations at a specific school, with Slot 2 (even though the same talkgroup) might be the buses or some other department.