There is one additional hurdle I havent seen mentioned yet you will have when listing to crews at BNA (Nashville).
Airline crews almost never use the correct phraseology in the pilot/controller glossary when on the radio, its just a part of the culture. I know I sure don't, and I like to mumble for good measure...another favorite technique is slurring the read-back when you didn't copy it and hope the other guy was listening.
As a pilot who depends on every word the controller says.....and the controller depending on every word I say, slurring never enters my mind.
There are plenty of lazy pilots & controllers out there, some who are not professional or take their pastime seriously and yes, they do not use correct terminology. You will hear them saying seventeen hundred instead of the proper one thousand, seven hundred.
You will hear them shorten their tail sign when the controller is using the entire tail sign..... N73MJ>Controller........3MJ>Pilot.....not good practice. Good pilots will only shorten their tail sign when the controller shortens it.
Dont forget, you are welcomed in many FAA facilities across the US. Many have changed regulations after 911, but some still accept pre-arranged visits. You can learn all kinds of things there.
Microsoft Flight Sim also is a good place to has matured into a pretty decent learning tool for the beginning pilot and experienced pilots needing some brushing up on procedures.
All kinds of good comments coming in for you.....overwealmed yet Ghost?