kellykeeton said:
yea its always fun to listen to that stuff, "I SAID I WANT A NUMBER FOUR WITH EXTRA MAYO" "I heard you sir there is no need to yell"
mind posting your fast food for the area?
I only have two at the moment for the Drive Thrus. My old store is McDonald's #2934. 1531 Auburn Way North, Auburn. It's a duplex system, but on the output you can hear both the car and the order taker (cashier). 464.0375 input / 469.0375 everything. I believe this is so because the microphone for the customer is in close proximity to the speaker for the customer. They use a Panasonic system with a vehicle sensor; the order taker can only hear what's going on if a car is present. The order taker units are Panasonic WX-C1020 and the base is a WX-C1010. An FCC ID search reveals that the OT units output at 0.002 watts and the base at 0.044 watts. From what I recall there were only two antennas; they were about the same size as the rubber duck on my Pro-97 but a bit thinner; they were hanging down from holes in the ceiling. It's surprising how far you can pick up the signal for such a weak transmitter. You can get an acceptable signal 2 blocks away; and with a fully open squetch you can sometimes discern words up to 6 blocks away. But what's REALLY strange is that I can pick up this signal--barely intelligible--AT HOME. And no, I don't live 3 blocks from the restaurant. It's about 2 miles as the crow flies; and I also live on a hill looking down into Auburn but still... I'm amazed I can pick up a signal that's less than a watt from that far away when I can't even hear my 1 watt FM transmitter in the next room.
Redondo McDonald's aka 27515 Pacific Hwy S (Federal Way) has the 3M headsets that operate in the 900MHz range. The 3M headsets put out only a tiny bit of power, because, as 3M says, this allows the battery to last longer. I can't pick up the singal prior to arriving at the COD (Customer Order Display (yes, I do still remember many of the McD acronyms)) but the frequency that I've detected is 921.9375. It's actually a little weak when I'm at the window next to the cashier.
As far as businesses go I have stuff from Intercept NW's database. One of my alltime favorites is FWPS Transportation (Bus) dispatch; 154.515 PL 114.8. I've long been interested (you could almost call it an obsession) with busses since I've been in school and it was really really really cool the first time I put this frequency into my scanner. One of the dispatchers, Jo, was my driver for two years before she was promoted to Dispatch.
I also have SeaTac Mall (or the Commons if you want to be correct) Security from the DB (464.775 PL 100). I haven't yet picked anything up on Emerald Down's channels; 462.125 and 467.125 but it is the off season right now so there won't be much traffic. I know that they use some sort of PL tones; I've also worked there and I remember they used portables. There are at least three channels that I knew of: security, housekeeping, and consessions/commissary (the stockroom more or less). Each portable had a channel switch at the top; one of the Leads frequently forgot to switch this when calling different people, resulting in the Commisary getting annoyed listening to her ask for housekeeping

Found that in the ULS.
I put Auburn Schools in my scanner yesterday but didn't have it on to listen for any traffic. The four frequencies they have are 151.745, 151.835, 462.8875, and 467.8875. I think the DB listed some PL tones too.
Federal Way Public schools has a few frequencies as well; I couldn't tell you about any except for the above mentioned Transportation, but the frequencies are
here and
here. I'm pretty sure all of the high schools use portables; the junior highs probably do too; few, if any, of the elementary schools do. Thomas Jefferson uses 467.8375 and/or 466.1625 (PL unknown if applicable).
It's also worthwhile to mention that a big box hardware store also uses 467.8375. On a Sunday afternoon I had my scanner next to me at home and it stopped on "FWPS ? #6" but I heard "(tones) Customer assistance needed in the ___ area (tones)." The Auburn Lowes is the closes big box hardware store. I took my scanner down there one weekday and sat in my car and tuned in but didn't hear anything. I put my scanner on a fairly high volume, stuck it in my pocked and went inside and browsed for 20 minutes. I heard the tones playing on the house speakers but my scanner was silent. The rest is still a mystery.
Hopefully this looong post helped someone

All of those unknowns are ones I hope to solve someday. Emerald Downs should be pretty easy; I'll just go down there sometime next year during live racing. Hopefully I'll solve some of the other mysteries; the FWPS ones are pretty interesting for me too. And I'm hoping I can expand and pick up some other businesses as well.