Just strung up a modified loop for 160m.. Nothing new, only different applications of coupling, feed and tuning..
The W1NMF ( US Coast Guard Comm Sta commemoration ) loop is on now and seems to be the best tried @ this QTH thus far..
It consists of silver plated 1/2" copper tubing at about 14' length ( 4.3' diameter ), certainly less than .1 wavelength..
The open end ( tuning ) is currently approx. 1.22 nF of C and the current side of the loop consists of three #75 mix toroids to make the loop look like around 6uH.
Two turns of hook up wire through the middle toroid produces a resonance with about 32 db of return loss..
Now to try one on 630m.. I found this site by accident and am glad to be a newbie..
Big helper:
Impedance Nomograph