How to handle a MAYDAY

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Mar 14, 2008
Fairfield, Ca.

If you can, can you give an update to this or a link to a story with the who/what/where/when stuff?

Thanks - and nice catch, btw


Feb 10, 2004
Grand Blanc, MI
Fatal Lake St. Clair boat crash: 'It happened so fast' | | The Detroit News

The Nine Mile Tower is the local name for:
240' navigational Beacon on landmark tower at
Shore Club Apartments & Marina Home

Sarnia Coast Gard Radio is Canadain Coast Guard, Sector Detroit is US Coast Guard and there is a US Coast Guard Station a half mile north of the 9 mile tower. What I found interesting about this was how smoothly Sarnia handed off the MADAY call to Detroit. The GPS position given is about 1/4 mile out from the 9 mile tower.
Sarnia radio coverage:
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Truth is a force of nature
May 7, 2004
RLG, Fly heading 053, intercept 315 DVV
This is stupid. The first question by the Coast Guard should be: What is your last known or current location? Over.

Forget about persons on board, description and put on the obvious life jacket, or batten down the hatches.Ask that after you know where in the world they are at! :roll: My first response to CG if I'm in danger of sinking is my location ASAP! First, location folks!

Even if they don't have a vessel big enough for my party, at least I can be thrown some more life jackets or Type IV throwable devices. At least I hope. :lol: They are the Coast Guard?

Plus, others may be in the area!
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Senior Member
Dec 19, 2002
San Diego, CA
This is stupid. The first question by the Coast Guard should be: What is your last known or current location? Over.

Forget about persons on board, description and put on the obvious life jacket, or batten down the hatches.Ask that after you know where in the world they are at! :roll: My first response to CG if I'm in danger of sinking is my location ASAP! First, location folks!

umm, that is the first thing that is covered in the audio.


Feb 10, 2004
Grand Blanc, MI
One of the first questions asked by Sarnia Coast Guard Radio after he said he was near the nine mile tower was are you in US waters.


Feb 10, 2004
Grand Blanc, MI
What I was trying to show was how smoothly the MAYDAY was handed from Canadian Coast Guard to US Coast Guard Sector Detroit. After Sarnia asked if he was in US waters. Sarnia asks US Sector Detroit did you hear and the next transmission is Sector Detroit asking how many persons on board, after he gave his GPS location a Marine Salvage Boat in dock about 1/2 mile away went to the location and picked up all except 1 person from both boats. This all took place at 12:30 in the morning.


Jul 26, 2010
I am a qualified and experienced watchstander at one of the busiest USCG stations on the great lakes. I AM the guy who you are talking to when you are hailing the coast guard within my station's area of response. My experience has been that 90% of boaters have no clue as to how to effectively and efficiently contact us in an emergency.

The following should be the final word on the all the questions brought up in this thread:

1) Don't panic. Try to remain calm.

2) Hail: "U.S COAST GUARD, US COAST GUARD, US COAST GUARD....MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY...". Speaking clearly, with the microphone a few inches from your mouth. Don't speak to fastly. then listen for a response.

3) have a good position ready when calling the coast guard. Your position is THE most important thing for us. GPS coordinates are the best. If no GPS is availible, try to describe any landmarks you may see around you. Frankly, as we see it, you should not be on a boat with no GPS or at least a very, very good understanding of the body of water which you are planning on boating in. Preparation is key.

4) We will want to know of any other forms of communications you may have. Do you also have a cell phone on board? What is your number? How is your battery life? Do you have a good signal?

5) Nature of Distress. Why are you hailing mayday? Be short and to the point. We will automatically deploy to your location for any distress situation.

6) Number of people on board. How many are adults? How many are children?

7) Are there any medical concerns?

8) A GOOD description of your vessel. A "White boat" is not enough info for us to find you if you are currently in a busy part of the lake with a lot of other white boats.

The key is to Prepare before you go. Most people that we deal with have not prepared properly. Bring a GPS, a radio (know how to use it), a cell phone with a good charge, a map, your local uscg phone number, life jackets for everyone. Make sure your boat has an anchor.

And never hail mayday unless you are actually in distress. Always feel free to contact us, but don't use words like "pan pan" or mayday if you are not in distress.

Honestly, my experience has been that most of our radio distress cases have begun with people very causally hailing stuff like, "uh......hello? hello? out there?" Our radios pick up every little radio check from lake huron all the way to buffalo new york. SO, when people who are in genuine distress and urgently need help try to hail us by saying things other than mayday, it makes it very difficult for us to distiguish their call for help from the rest of the people on the lack that are just asking for radio checks...

Hope this helps...


Premium Subscriber
Jul 30, 2010
New Richmond, WI
I've been boating on Lake Michigan for many years... this is very good information and worthwhile advice as a reminder for all boaters. Question is does the CG monitor other frequently used channels as well, or is your distress call only going to be heard if broadcast on 16?


Feb 10, 2004
Grand Blanc, MI
I've been boating on Lake Michigan for many years... this is very good information and worthwhile advice as a reminder for all boaters. Question is does the CG monitor other frequently used channels as well, or is your distress call only going to be heard if broadcast on 16?
I don't know any other frequency that the US and Canadian CG monitor for distress.
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