HP-1E LTR Analyze results

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I normally use LTRTRUNK to analyze LTR systems. It works on all three major types of LTR, unlike any scanner or software available to date.

Yesterday I ran the HP-1E's Analyze function on a local UHF LTR-Regular system. I noticed 3 results that were different from my LTRTRUNK results.

1) HP-1 shows a GID "IDLE" at times.

2) HP-1 shows several LCNs that the system does not have.

3) HP-1 shows an LCN 31 after most transmissions. I believe this to be an LTR code of some sort (similar to the "extra" LCNs in EDACS that really represent system codes).

Does anyone have insight on these observations?


The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
I'm everywhere Focker!
I normally use LTRTRUNK to analyze LTR systems. It works on all three major types of LTR, unlike any scanner or software available to date.

Yesterday I ran the HP-1E's Analyze function on a local UHF LTR-Regular system. I noticed 3 results that were different from my LTRTRUNK results.

1) HP-1 shows a GID "IDLE" at times.

2) HP-1 shows several LCNs that the system does not have.

3) HP-1 shows an LCN 31 after most transmissions. I believe this to be an LTR code of some sort (similar to the "extra" LCNs in EDACS that really represent system codes).

Does anyone have insight on these observations?

LCN "31" is the turn off code (like the 134 Hz tone on DPL) that tells the radio the call has ended and to mute the squelch.
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