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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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HT1250 Low Band Performance

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Southern California
I have an opportunity to pickup an HT1250 Low Band. I am just curious how well they perform on low band. Given the length of antenna that is typically needed for low band, do they do better than say an average scanner? I would assume so, but curious if the antenna could be an issue. This would be for use on CHP.



Oct 13, 2015
Isle of Wight County
If you’re just using it as a scanner then it will perform just as good as a scanner. Your only limitations are going to be from the antenna. Which ate the same limitations on a scanner. If it’s going to be used indoors, you’ll want to look at an exterior antenna of some type that can be connected to the radio. Same goes for in your vehicle. Terrain and area could also affect the performance.


Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
It's fair to marginal. I have one for 10 meters. It will give meRF Burns if while transmitting my hand makes contact with the battery contacts on the boottom. Sensitivity is fair and plenty good enough for a decent band opening but my 10 meter MT1000 is miles ahead of it in terms of sensitivity and audio quality. It's possible mine needs better alignment though so there is that to consider.


Dec 22, 2013
I think that like most Motorola products, that radio was built in two or three band segments. So if you want entire 29 to 54 MHz you may be better off with a scanner.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 31, 2011
So to add to this conversation about a 1250 on lowband for Chp i love it. I own a ht1250 and a mt1000 on lowband. Plus for my vehicle i have a motorola maratrac lowband. The mobile works the best and the mt1000 and ht1250 sound great in the house with the standard antenna on the handheld. But i also have a magmount with an actual chp lowband antenna made by panorama that covers 30-50 mhz on the roof so i can listen to golden gate dispatch along with out here in Sacramento. But if your only trying to listen to your area then the standard antenna on the 1250 will be fine for what you need to do.


Feb 5, 2004
Hudson, FL
I have not played much with the LB HT1250. But I have a LOT of experience with the lowband MT1000 and its "cousin" the P200.
We have a large 51 mhz (ham) system and I have worked with a lot of the Genesis radios. While Motorola didn't make their
"split" match the way CHP uses the band, I can tell you that a 42 to 50 split MT1000 will go nicely to 39 mhz. Maybe lower. And the least popular split of the MT1000 is the 36 to 42 one. And I can assume that split will go up to 44 mhz. Maybe more. I don't have one to test. I have been collecting the low band MT1000 / P200's for a few years, and will be selling of a bunch of them shortly. ALL of these really perform MUCH better on RX than the typical scanner. And they usually benefit from tuning the RX to the center of the range you want to use them. I have seen them tuned for 42 mhz be deaf by 20 dB at 51 mhz. Pretty common for the RX to be improved by 8 or 10 dB by tuning to the desired segment.
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