So apparently they've just recently added two 800 MHz frequencies that are currently listed in the database as Prosecutor's Office 1 (855.7125) and 2 (854.5125).
Let's try to get some ears on those frequencies to see if there is any conventional traffic left on them. The NAC for conventional will be 141, whereas any trunking activity would come up as 8E1.
And of course if anyone can determine that the Prosecutor's office is now operating a talkgroup on the system, albeit it will almost certainly be encrypted.
Let's try to get some ears on those frequencies to see if there is any conventional traffic left on them. The NAC for conventional will be 141, whereas any trunking activity would come up as 8E1.
And of course if anyone can determine that the Prosecutor's office is now operating a talkgroup on the system, albeit it will almost certainly be encrypted.