connectabore said:
Thankyou inlandsmog,
That brought up the info related to Katrina. Aparently huricane net is now up and running for Rita.
Got a link for this huricane net update??
The Hurricane net never changes with storm. The frequency is always the same each year and with each storm. So just disregard where the name "katrina" is and just understand that THIS is the frquency and place to listen to the Hurricane NET.
this is more specific:
What you're wanting to listen to is the HF Hurricane Watch Net. It's located on 14.325.0 kHz USB.
I was actually going to attempt to put a feed online but I have so much interference from the servers in my building that I couldn't get a good signal. So I had to scratch that one for the time being. Maybe if I can find a way to shield the receiver and get the antenna up and away from the building I'd do better. In the mean-time I still have my local gulf coast scanner feed.
There are several SWL online scanners out there, some where you can actually change settings and freqs. Just do a google search for ONLINE SWL receivers. Pick one and see if it'll let you change the freq. then set it to 14.365.0 USB and listen.
I went to each one of those feeds in the wiki and either they're down or I'm not hearing any audio on them... I went out and found this link you might want to try...