Most all of the Police, Fire & EMS in Hamilton County Ohio are on a Trunked P-25 system. Here is the link to the Ohio MARCS-IP: Multi-Agency Radio Communications system-
https://www.radioreference.com/db/sid/6643. This system is used in most all parts of Ohio. Specifically Hamilton Co uses it .
Not sure what model Bearcat scanner you have. It must be able to receive (trunked) P-25 phase 1 systems.
The following scanners can be used to track the Ohio MARCS systems:
GRE: PSR-500, PSR-600
Radio Shack: Pro-106, Pro-197, Pro-668
Uniden: BC296D, BC796D, BCD396 (any version), BCD996 (any version), BCD436HP, BCD536HP, SDS100, SDS200, HomePatrol, HomePatrol II
Whistler: WS1040, WS1065, WS1080, WS1088, WS1095, WS1098, TRX1, TRX2
Unication: G4 and G5 pagers
This group is for the discussion of the State of Ohio Multi-Agency Radio Communications System (MARCS-IP). *A real name is required in the Display Name line when joining this group.* MARCS-IP is a true P25 system. The following scanners can be used to track the systems: GRE: PSR-500, PSR-600...