Does anyoneknow if the R-2500 can be used to monitor trunked systems? TIA, Michael
W w1rc Member Joined Sep 21, 2006 Messages 7 Location Marblehead, Massachusetts Oct 15, 2012 #1 Does anyoneknow if the R-2500 can be used to monitor trunked systems? TIA, Michael
S scrotumola Member Joined Jan 19, 2001 Messages 325 Location So. Texas Oct 15, 2012 #2 Trunk PCR is what I use with my R2500. Works great!! Make sure you adhere to the instructions in the wiki, as a comprehensive step-by-step set of instructions isn't that available. TrunkPCR - The RadioReference Wiki ~S~ Last edited: Oct 15, 2012
Trunk PCR is what I use with my R2500. Works great!! Make sure you adhere to the instructions in the wiki, as a comprehensive step-by-step set of instructions isn't that available. TrunkPCR - The RadioReference Wiki ~S~