Is it a new top receiver comming from ICOM?
mancow said:..... unlike the stupid marketing surrounding the AOR AR ONE.
mancow said:I just noticed that it says cellular bands are blocked in the USA version so it looks like they are planning on releasing it, unlike the stupid marketing surrounding the AOR AR ONE.
kg4icg said:when Icom blocks out some of the 800mhz band for cell phones, they also somehow block out some of the 800 mhz trunking part too, and yes this puppy is going for more then 10K so you better get ready to get a second mortgage on the house if you want one. Better not hope it does what the other expensive Icom radios have been doing lately. 1 to 2 weeks after you get it home, you have to send it back to Washington state to get it repaired.
R Collins