Icom ci-v Software


Apr 12, 2021
I just powered up some Icom 1990s vintage equipment (ic-820h, icr-7100, ic-3200a, ic-25a, ic-2800) that have been in a closet for a lot of years. With the exception of some minor problems, most all repairable, all appear to work great. I want to use the 820h and 7100 receiver but I do not want to program them manually, especially the 820h as that would include too many pl tones, etc. I would have thought someone must have written software to facilitate using the CI-V interface but I have not been able to find anything. I still have the CT-17 interface box but I do not begin to have the time to learn and write my own software. Any reference to any software to program these rigs would be appreciated.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 15, 2005
Belvidere IL
If I remember correctly, CI-V was never meant for programming.. It's simply a radio control interface.. I did one time find software to work via CI-V to program memories in my 706MK2G, but it never worked, and it was actually quicker to program via the faceplate.


Aug 1, 2008
I wrote a Labview program that does channel management through the CIV, it took a while to go through each channel. Unfortunately it has to be redone for windows 10 as a lot of the functions do not translate to recent versions. A run-time had to be installed.
It could control multiple radios by switching the address or the baud or the radio type on the fly.
Also it is sometimes better to get it to use the serial port API rather than the VISA to access the com ports.
Visa is a large installation that is overkill for just running serial ports, although it includes multi pc networking.
With that the serial port on other computers running visa can be accessed.
Its possible to use Icom CIV commander to save the channels but that is not very practical.
It could interrogate the radio and acquire a sorted freq list. I need this feature to 'clean up' my freqs in the radios. Until I get that going note: One of the most useful keyboard features of the R7100 is to type in a freq, then press Mset+Mch to see if its already in a channel. It can then be edited for skip, scan number, bank, or to clear dupes. With this feature it does not matter where the channel is in memory just what its scan settings are.


Apr 12, 2021
I appreciate the responses above. For a brief time it appeared to me that Ham Radio Deluxe would work. It turned out HRD is or can easily be made compatible with the older radios but it has zero provision to write to or read the memories: It is intended to just operate the radios from a computer. As a ‘back burner project’ I will probably just write a basic Basic program to read/save from and write to the radio memories. It is much too time consuming to manually program the 820H and I have no trust in its ability to not forget its memories even though the two caps I replaced I think solved the problem. It works too well to trash so this appears to be my only solution.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 19, 2003
You can use CIV for programming the memory channels of most Icom radios.

You may want to look here at Bob Parnass's TCL code to control/write memory channels for the R8500.
His TCL code in very nice and clean and is easy to read.

I hacked up his 8500 code to write the memory channels into the R8600.
My code was a mess, but it did work...

Good luck!