Icom IC-7300 vs Yaesu FT-991 was: Antennas for a one story rental unit

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Jan 30, 2022
991A - Has internal tuner, but I believe you need an external sound card for digital transmission and audio decoding. Will need a winkeyer for CW transmission. Includes 2m/70cm, needs additional feedline/antenna. Is a triple conversion super heterodyne (double for FM) type transceiver. Does C4M digital on FM.
***Total purchase would be 991A + Soundcard + HF Antenna + 2m/70cm Antenna
991A does have a built-in sound card and the keyer. Also, it's actually a hybrid SDR rather than just a superheterodyne one. Its SDR is done in the IF.


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May 2, 2020
Fort Misery
If I had an RV, I'd likely go with the 7100, but D-Star is dead around here and is a function w/o an audience. The 7300 is either love or disgust, with some touch screens going blank. I know 6 owners and 2 have lost their touch screens.

The FT-991A seems like a shack in the box and I discounted purchasing it on that reason and I regret that decision now. I went with the FTDX10 and while it is a good radio, bordering on great, I moved to a new HOA community that my spouse picked out - antenna options are severely limited and HF work suffers. There is VHF and some UHF activity, but I don't want to buy another FTM-400XDR for office use [I own three already in my vehicles].

The Icom VHF/UHF base rig is nice, but it takes up more room. has a dead band of 1.2 GHz [in my AO], and isn't inexpensive. I should just bite the bullet and sell my FTDX10 for a FT-991A.
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