I had one HF radio system that makes a pair of Elecraft K4s and two Alpha amps look cheap, there is always something more expensive. The short lived Icom IC-7800 was around $11k when it first came out around 2004 and today an Icom IC-7300 will beat it in some receiver specs.Go to the Elecraft website and price out a fully-optioned K4. I know a guy who has two of them. And, both feed their own Alpha legal-limit amplifier. And, he has a 10-acre field filled with towers and antennas.
Or, look at K9CT's or K3LR's stations with their multiple, fully-equipped operating stations and fields full of antennas.
Some hams are very serious about their HF contesting or DXing stations. And, then, there's the rest of us.