Silent Key/KF4ANC
They work well as a last resort. Motel rooms, especially. I had to go look - mine is called the Reel Antenna, just a coated wire with alligator clip on one end, snap clip on the other. It reels out to about 20ft total, enough to sling it around a small room. Funny story connected with mine - was staying at a hotel once and I was stringing this antenna up around the indoor balcony, which overlooked a nice atrium w/waterfall, etc, and I apparently spooked some of the guests who called in my 'suspicious' activity. House detective and security at my door announcing a sudden fire extinguisher 'inspection'. After a few awkward questions they realized what I was doing was harmless and our conversation drifted to ham radio for almost an hour lol. Ya hadta be there, hilarious.