ICOM IC-R9000 DATA "0008ch ERROR or 0517ch Error ...ERROR ch Was CLEAR"

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Apr 19, 2009
Hello to all
I checked and renewed some solders in CRT's PCB, cause I had the horizontal
axis that sometimes turn off...there were of the welding cold, I also replace
the memory battery and placing one socket with two wires in a way that can be
stay near the clock battery to be more accesible....BUT...after had reassembling
all The receiver does'n function....
The Logic Check says all Passed for all steps execpt the DATA steps return
"0008ch ERROR or 0517ch Error ...ERROR ch Was CLEAR"

I try to remove the memory battery and nothing change

The radio does a logic check on its own when turned on, and
everything passes except "DATA." It shows, "ERROR 0008 ch ERROR."
Beneath that it says, "ERROR CH was CLEAR." If I command a logic
check by holding down the "SPEECH" button while turning the power
on, the DATA line shows "Passed," and it goes to 2.000 mHz, which
it both displays and actually receives. As soon as I turn the
tuning knob, the display blanks and the receiver mutes.

Pressing any of the mode switches from the muted condition brings up
a display of 10.000 mHz, and it actually does receive at that
frequency also. Again, turning the tuning knob kills the frequency
display and mutes the receiver.

If I don't touch the tuning dial while it is on 2 or 10 mHz , I can
use the up - down knob to select 2 mHz on ch 000, 5 mHz on ch 001,
10 mHz on ch 002, 145 mHz on ch 003, 430 mHz on ch 004, 2 mHz on ch
0P1, and 26 mHz on ch 0P2. I presume those are some test
frequencies that reside in ROM. Turning the tuning knob at any of
these frequencies blanks the display and mutes the receiver.

When one of the before mentioned frequencies is displayed, pressing
either the "MHZ UP" or "MHZ DOWN" buttons locks in that frequency
until the power is turned off.

The CPU seems to be OK. Various other functions it controls work

I have tried the logic reset procedure of holding down the "clear"
button while turning on the power, but that didn't help.

Any Help ?

Thanks a lot


Mar 3, 2008
A hardware reset by quickly shorting across the CPU lithium battery with a very low resistance on power up may reinitialize your processor if it's into a hung start.

IC7 (Logic A) and its behavior on power up would be interesting to observe as this intializes the various IC's on the same page for start up. A scope would be best to observe this.

I don't have any direct experience with repairing the R9000 but it would be interesting to know how the radio behaves under CI-V computer control. I did this once with a R8500 and it helped me figure out the fix.

I also wonder about the condition of the VFO encoder on your 9000 but that's probably too simple for the degree of fault codes you're experiencing?

The service manual seems weak on describing exactly what you are experiencing......yeah that's about par for the course!

Best of Luck on the repair,


Apr 19, 2009

I solved....

I have found a user who has given me the file troubleshooting guides

In this guide there are some of the solutions to various problems, my particular case is this...

Symptom: Logic problem--erratic frequency change, front panel push buttons locked-up, logic check shows address fault. CPU reset does not help.

Probable Cause: CPU address problem.

Cure: Install W1 jumper into J7 on SW-D unit. J7 is located on left side PCB beneath access
door in top cover. Then reset CPU. (Push and hold [CLEAR] and turn unit on.)

So the PCB on SW-D Unit have W1 Jumper can be connected to J7 - J8 - J9

BEFORE i made the memory battery substitution , W1 was connected to J9 (I'm almost sure)
Then after read the guide i Connect W1 to J7 , reset CPU, and all seems to be OK !!!

So I thought to connect again W1 to J9 as in origin but in this way the problem come agains

Then I made many TEST and all seems to be OK with W1 to J7 or W1 cionnected to nothing....
but W1 to J9 makes problem

So since I have bought the receiver used ...
I ask you do you know what is the original position of the connection W1 to JX ?!??!?!

Thanks a lot


Mar 3, 2008
Hi Andrea,

Looks like J7 is maybe a parking space for the W1 jumper when it is not used for reset purposes as the J7 pad on the PC board circuit layout goes nowhere electrically. But the J9 and J8 are going to Pins 7 and 8 of respectively of IC-1 and would accomplish something if the W1 (ground) was connected to them. IC-1 is an Input expander chip of some sort.

Maybe someone will chime in that actually owns an R9000.

Good research on that repair!
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