SDS100/SDS200: ID Search and disabled departments/avoids


DB Administrator
Database Admin
Dec 10, 2000
South Carolina
I'm a new SDS100 owner and I'm teaching myself how to program the scanner as well as operate it properly. I'm coming from years of using GRE/RadioShack/Whistler scanners. I apologize if these questions have been asked and answered before - I did attempt to reach the Easier-to-Read manual as well as search this forum for an answer.

My question is about ID Search mode, and if talkgroups programmed into a department that is "disabled" are excluded from from being consider "new" in ID Search mode. I know that channels or departments that are "avoided" are excluded, but I'm assuming that there is a distinction between avoids and disabled departments. Is this true?

And a follow-up question: when a "new" talkgroup is active, I assume there is a quick way to store that talkgroup. What is the proper keypress to do so? And where is that talkgroup stored? Am I given a chance to choose an existing department, or will it create a new department?

Thanks for any insight.


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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
If it’s programmed and avoided it’s still programmed, so any of those won’t pop as new in id search. Only something not programmed will come up