im 17 and i like radios everyone else my age has a cellphone

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Cobra_Commander said:
I am 19 i have been interested in scanners and police and fire and avation monitoring for 5 years now since i was 16 it is a fun hobby. :)

Uh. oooooh kaaay.


Jan 20, 2005
21, I was raised around scanners and radios practically my whole life, being the son of a police chief... My Father use to have Police Radios in
most of his Personal Vehicles,and he had another Police Radio on top of
the gun cabinet in our living room(Uniden)... Then, When I was about 3 or 4 years old He bought a Scanner for My bedroom and I learned how to fiddle with it and I had frequencies that my dad couldnt even get... Then about a few years later the scanner stopped working :cry: ... It was my first scanner and one of my most favorite toys ever... Then Dad Retired
from the Police Dept when I was about 9 or 10 years old and He had to give up the police radios so he went out and bought one of the most hi-tech scanners w/ the 800mhz and stuff and put it on top of gun cabinet and
He didnt know how to use it, so I took his books and had it programmed in no time... and Later on he had bought some hand held scanners(they were alot of fun)... Before my Dad passed away :cry: ,people use to come up to him and ask how do you program these damn things, Dad pointed to me and said theres the man right there to help you with that...
Now, Im currently following my fathers foot steps into law enforcement...


May 27, 2004
N_Jay said:
Time flys when you are having fun!

Actually, time FLIES when you're having fun. FLYS are those pesky little winged creatures or what old men dedicate endless hours tying in hope of catching a couple of fish.

Although, N_Jay does make a good point. All those teenager radio geeks out there, go get some zit creme, leave your radios at home (no matter how COOL they might be) and party it up. You won't regret it, trust me.

You'll have plenty of time to play RADIO later. (Because time does fly when you're playing radio)

Jun 19, 2004
Highland Park, NJ
Tweekerbob said:
N_Jay said:
Time flys when you are having fun!

Actually, time FLIES when you're having fun. FLYS are those pesky little winged creatures or what old men dedicate endless hours tying in hope of catching a couple of fish.

Although, N_Jay does make a good point. All those teenager radio geeks out there, go get some zit creme, leave your radios at home (no matter how COOL they might be) and party it up. You won't regret it, trust me.

You'll have plenty of time to play RADIO later. (Because time does fly when you're playing radio)


Oh, I make time for both. Belive me, I party it up. But if I'm just at home, nothing to do, or doing homework, going for a bike ride or something, I'll fire up the scanner. And no need for the zit creme here.


Nov 10, 2004
San Francisco bay area
haha! agreed! scanners and radios are a great hobby but when its time to go out and have a life.. these things go back into the backpack.. and yeah i still carry them around in my backpack because im a geek about that kind of stuff.. but the backpack usually stays in the car.. lol..


Jul 24, 2004
Huntington County, Indiana
I don't remember exactly when I got into scanning, it was probably around 12ish. The first scanner I ever used actually belonged to my father a BC140. He just had it in the garage and never listened to it much. I brought it in to my room and programmed it for the local PD & SD. I bought the first scanner of my own when I was about 14 or 15, it was a RS Pro-92. Then just about 1 1/2 years ago I bought a Pro-96 and got to monitoring IN's Project SAFE-T. I bought the Pro-2096 about 3 weeks after it was released and have that mounted in my vehicle.

I'm now 19 and work for the Sheriff's Dept as a Comm. Officer and just joined Huntington County EMA. I was addicted from the first minute and have loved every minute of it.


Apr 18, 2003
Chesapeake, VA.
<-- 23 Here

I got started with CBs and Scanner around age 8. Received my amateur radio license at 12. I am now a Motorola Two-Way Technician. I can share your fellow love of Moto gear. I have plenty laying around :D

I don't know what the driving age is where you live, but you can look forward to decking out the car/truck like I did:

Keep up the fun!


Nov 7, 2007
Parkland, FL
Memories of the first radio experience and thoughts for new hams

I am now 42 years old and had my 10 year old son take his technician exam at Orlando last week. He didn't study, but suprisingly his still got 17 questions correct. He is now interested in opening the book because of his seeing how the test is...

Back when I was in my teens, I was introduced with radios by a couple cops and hams alike, back in the early 80s, the thought of owning a motorola radio wasn't really thought of much as they like most others were expensive for a kid. My first dual band was an alinco, which was cool as I was also able to listen to the police bands back when they were UHF non-trunked. That Alinco cost me about $350.

I had given it to a friend when I left for the Army in 1988 and never pursued my ham ticket back then and lost track for other pursuits. I kick myself for letting it go all these years and the past couple I've caught up with it and now have my general class ticket, hoping to make the time for my extra this coming year.

One thing I can say for the ham in thier teens today, that radios and service equipment on the market today is extremely cheap! Many look at the new ham-specific radios and overlook all the commercial radios that can be modified for ham use. If you pay attention with the local public safety radio shops, you might find they may even have some old UHF/VHF stuff in a old storeroom that they might donate to a local school ham club as a PR gig. This because they know they won't make any money on the auctions with it.

I recently got hooked on the GE MPA handhelds, which I've been finding for about 15-40 bucks each and they are perfect for a new ham thanks to the GE techs, who made them to be flashed for Ham use and front keypad programming with DTMF. I would have drooled to be the first on the block with one of those when I was younger!! Any kid sporting one today in a crowd would still get some attention with them.

scanners are even under 50 bucks in the used market. My son got a trunked one and a conventional one last week that were given to me for free. He is having a blast with them and is getting more inspired by it.

Get some local elmers in your community to help start a school ham club, they might even donate equipment to get it going, it will inspire more kids into it and might save the parents money on the monthly cell phone usage...



P25 TruCking!
Mar 15, 2008
Radios have some kind of aww about them over cell phones, you just press the button on the side and whoa! the other person hears!
Sometimes when I press transmit I think about the radio waves going through the air and get all excited LOL!

love to dig up those 3-4 yr old threads huh? lol


Premium Subscriber
Sep 28, 2006
Oakland County, MI
Im 18, my dad got me my first scanner (BC60XLT) in 1997, and ive been hooked ever since. However OpenSky keeps restricting my local scanning! :(


P25 TruCking!
Mar 15, 2008
I remember I was about maybe 8 or 10, its been a while I can't recall but I was in the radioshack ad and saw a scanner I think Pro-93 with 200 channels WHOA!! I had to get it! I told my dad and he thought about it and agreed to get it, it was about $180! I got hooked every since
Actually it all started from the Motorola Radius P200 radios that my school used (now of course they all use Nextels)


Database Admin
Jul 17, 2007
Gorham, ME
I am currently 17 with no cell phone. Cell phones cost to much but not as much as a Scanner does but it is also depending on the service provider u go with.


Aug 14, 2008
14 and i love listening to pd and fd and its kind of accepted by friends cause im always the one listening for pd when throwing snowball and tuff


Feb 6, 2007
one path ive noticed alot of people taking as they got more and more into radios was this:

18A. the "honey why on earth do you need another radio??" phase.. even though this has been the question everyone has been asking you since you got into radios it has more meaning now than ever before as you realize that, now that you have your favorite radio, why not buy a bunch more to go with it..??

18B . The "what the hell, one can NEVER have too many radios" phase. I think I'll buy a bunch more!

20. ??

other phases not mentioned here..

The "Whoa! eBay sells TEST EQUIPMENT! I can buy stuff to FIX my radios with!" phase. How about a service monitor, and a watt meter, and a sinadder, and a spectrum analyzer, and a couple of frequency counters, and a tone generator, and I gotta have an o-scope, and a tracking generator, and... and... and...

How about the contest phase? Cw contests, and dx contests, Field Day, the Sweepstakes, CQWW, 160 meter contests! VHF and UHF contests! You LIKE contests? Go roving! Microwave contests! Microwave roving! How about BUILDING a new contest radio every year... That's gonna take more test equipment. Hello eBay... Last years radio cost $1000 to build because of the new frequency counter I had to buy to tune it. Cost per QSO? about $75! Yep! This is fun!

I shudder to think how much money I've spent on this hobby over the years. Yeah, I was about your age when I started. Maybe a few years younger... Smartest thing I ever did.
Nov 5, 2006
Phoenix Arizona
To the OP:

Most other kids are also complete nerds. Being a sheep in the flock walking around like a zombie texting 24/7 looks very stupid, and in a few decades people will look back and laugh at the way people act now.

It's really funny looking at today's kids. This is possibly the first generation where the kids are less cool than their parents, who rocked harder, partied harder, had cooler cars, and still probably learned more in school.

Don't worry, you sound a lot cooler than them, at least to me.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2004
my turn

I was 12 when my dad gave me a 4 ch crystal controled scanner
then i upgraded to this pro 38 and heard phoenix fire dispatch for the first time
then i went to this listend to pima county edcas in 91

then went to this in 95
RigPix Database - Uniden UBC-120XLT

then in 99 went to this
RigPix Database - Regency - MX-7000
then went to this in 01

RigPix Database - RadioShack/Realistic - Pro-94

then i went to this
(still got this also)
Pro-97 - The RadioReference Wiki
and lost this in a fire
BC250D - The RadioReference Wiki

But i love my pro 97 and also like you guys i did get in to c.b. and get on when its the right conditions

and started in to ham but my funds would not allow me to keep going
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