Im new :(( have no Idea What to do... trunking

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Dec 4, 2009
Ocean City, MD
Hello... Im sorry for asking probably such a stupid questions... believe me I know how you guys feel reading posts of totally green ppl :p Im professional photographer and I feel the same when on forums from my profession... I wann say Hello to everyone here and say thank you for understanding.....

Like I said Im photographer and I need scanner more to listen Air Traffic Control to know is it a 747 getting ready ti land or cessna 172.... an also for Air Shows to know what is going on in the air... with the airports its not that bad... I know frequencies Im seting up my numbers and I can here everything what is going on... Air Show is almost the same... but I figured out that scanner is very nice device and I wish to use it more... so lets start with TRUNKING... OMG I feel like dummy... I have RS PRO-528 Scanner... and now my problem is.... how to listen my local police department ????? most of the year Im in small town Ocean city, MD and I have nothing to do so Im trying to listen online live feed to figured what is going on and be ready for some action pictures.... but I have my scanner so why should I use live feed... of course in the car thats not possible so please let my scanner works !

I know frequencies.... and I know that Ocean City, MD trunking system is a General Electric Ericsson EDACS trunked 800 MHz System. Ocean City has two 800 MHz towers. The main tower with 11 repeaters is located in Berlin just off Rt 90 and Rt 589 while their backup system with 3 repeaters is located at the Public Safety Building on 65th Street... I found 11 frequencies or logical channels numbering what ever the different is....

859.9875 (1) 853.9625 (2) 855.2375 (3) 860.9875 (4) 856.7375 (5)
857.7375 (6) 858.7375 (7) 859.7375 (8) 860.7375 (9) 856.2375 (10)
857.2375 (11)
and now what ?? I'm going to tell u what I did.... I programed every of this 11 frequencies (?) to my scanner: BANK 1 every frequency different channel..... I locked rest of the 88 channels from the bank and now Im pressing TRUNK on my scanner.... and what is going on... I can not hear anything cuz on my display I have info: ID SEARCH then I see how my channels are changing from 1 to 11 and from 1 to 11 and from 1 to 11... looks like something is going on.... Im guessing my scanner is waiting for some voices right ?? I can wait like that forever and I will hear nothing.... Im changing my squelch knob to every possible position and still nothing.... so how can I tune my scanner to my PD department ?? when I stop that channel switching on some of the frequencies I setup I can hear noise and some conversation it looks like that: example: Operator beep beep beep.... noise..... no answer.... than some other conversation 1 or 2 msgs.... omg... I need your help guys.... I've read manual probably 50 times.... I can not understand how this is works.... looks like I can catch some of the part of conversations but how this TRUNK mode works ?? Im not sure I understand situation... is like: Trunk mode is "when" let say car nb 1 is usig 1st frequency to say something than operator using another one to answer and you never know what frequency they going to use thats why u have trunk mode to scan all frequencies they are using right ??? Is it something with vrong with fleet map ?? what the hell is fleet map :p I know how to change it cuz my manual is that smart :) to give me step by step how to do that but what is going on ?? Im lost....

one more thing.... what is the AFS ?? I see something like: Ocean City Police (Channel 1) Boardwalk 02-021
and how can I use it ?? what is this ?? some secret code of frequency ??


Feb 24, 2001
I see one thing which was for sure not right.... I had setup for Motorola 800 instead of EDACS I already changed.... anyway now I dont have any movement when I pres TRUNK... and no changes... still can here one msgs and no answer.... Im trying to setup my scanner to recived the msgs from this group:

Ocean City Trunking System, Ocean City, Maryland - Scanner Frequencies

anyone can help ??? Please.....

I do know nothing about your scanner, ............. did you put the frequency in the right order ?

Make sure 01 frequency is in spot 01 02 03 and so on is in the right spot too this is very important with edcas system


Dec 4, 2009
Ocean City, MD
what do you mean spot 01 ?? I setup channel 1 first frequency than channel 2 second etc... thats what u mean saing right spot ??
Probably the biggest "radios" forum in the internet and nobody knows how to help me ?? maybe some tutorial??


Feb 24, 2001
what do you mean spot 01 ?? I setup channel 1 first frequency than channel 2 second etc... thats what u mean saing right spot ??
Probably the biggest "radios" forum in the internet and nobody knows how to help me ?? maybe some tutorial??[

/QUOTYes, that is correct.


Feb 24, 2001
what do you mean spot 01 ?? I setup channel 1 first frequency than channel 2 second etc... thats what u mean saing right spot ??
Probably the biggest "radios" forum in the internet and nobody knows how to help me ?? maybe some tutorial??

Also patience is the best thing to use:)
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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 24, 2006
Orange City, Fl.
Im new:(( Have no idea what to do...Trunking

That's why I don't do trunking. Isn't there some type of software dowload program that you guys can recommend for him, because it sounds like he is going to explode. Chrisparrypa, just hold on as these guys will help you get through your dilemma. Breath in, Breath out, there ya go, good luck & take care.

PS: Irregardless of what you think of our perception & responses to what would be called a stupid question, ignore that as this sites motto is: The only stupid question is the one not asked. You're in good company here so don't worry about that. Easy does it, okay?



Jul 18, 2005
Chrisparypa: Patience grasshopper! I have been involved with scanner probably more years than you are old and I still learn something new everyday. If you can explain exactly what you have done and explain exactly what the results are, then help will be forth coming.

To AlabamaRS: His original post stated he had a RS Pro-528.


Feb 24, 2001
Chrisparypa: Patience grasshopper! I have been involved with scanner probably more years than you are old and I still learn something new everyday. If you can explain exactly what you have done and explain exactly what the results are, then help will be forth coming.

To AlabamaRS: His original post stated he had a RS Pro-528.

oops, that will teach me to get in a hurry!:0


Dec 4, 2009
Ocean City, MD
hahaha Thank you for all words.... Problem solved.... instead of pressing SCAN i pressed SEARCH and now I have whole conversations and scanner is locking Gorup IDs when is transmitting something.... Now I need to figured how to listen just a Police talkgroup IDs cuz so far I can hear Convention Center Catering, fire department and at least 4 different PD's.... now I know what the AFS number let say 02-021 ... is it not easier to call this number group ID ?? that was really confused me... anyway... I`ll try to program just a my local PD department ID's....


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
hahaha Thank you for all words.... Problem solved.... instead of pressing SCAN i pressed SEARCH and now I have whole conversations and scanner is locking Gorup IDs when is transmitting something.... Now I need to figured how to listen just a Police talkgroup IDs cuz so far I can hear Convention Center Catering, fire department and at least 4 different PD's.... now I know what the AFS number let say 02-021 ... is it not easier to call this number group ID ?? that was really confused me... anyway... I`ll try to program just a my local PD department ID's....
Chris, for the system that you are referencing, Ocean City Trunking System, Ocean City, Maryland - Scanner Frequencies , the system is tagged as being "ProVoice and Analog" under the system type field. While your Pro-528 will receive the analog talkgroups, it cannot receive the ProVoice ones. Neither can any other scanner.

The "Mode" column for the talkgroups tells you which are analog (marked as "A"), and which are digital (marked with a "D"). The digital ones are likely the ProVoice id's; your 528 cannot receive digital in any event. For Ocean City, two of the PD talkgroups are tagged as "D". There are a large number or the talkgroup id's that are devoid of notations as to either analog or digital.


Dec 4, 2009
Ocean City, MD
Good to know... those marked D are For Detectives so Im not gonna loose a lot... this is small town and in off season nothing is going on :) in summer is different :) but thanks for advice....


Mar 17, 2007
programming trunking on BCD396T

I have been trying and trying over and over to figure out how to program my cities trunking program here,
when i program it, all i see is the scanner scanning, and the signal meter is up high, but never any audio.

here is the trunking system for my city, Barrie Ontario Canada.

im using the Uniden BCD396T, any help... thanks everyone.

Last Updated: July 15, 2009, 12:20 pm
Canada > Ontario > Simcoe (County) > Barrie, City of

Barrie, City of

System Name: Barrie, City of
Location: Barrie, ON
County: Simcoe
System Type: Motorola Type II Smartnet
System Voice: Analog
Last Updated: July 15, 2009, 12:20 pm (Updated Function Tag assignments for 1 talkgroups)


For more information about this trunked system please see this entity's Wiki page:

* Barrie, City of Wiki Page

To discuss information online about please see these forums(s) in the Forums:

* Eastern Canada Radio Discussion Forum

Custom Frequency Tables

Base Spacing Offset
141.015 15 380

System ID List

System ID Connect Tone
7e38 Unknown

Latest News Update Posted on 2002-08-14 16:02:02

Police and fire have some administrational and training talkgroups in analog on the system. All other City services are on the system in analog.
Barrie Police Service and Barrie Fire Service's Operational channels are conventional.

System Frequencies
Red (c) are primary control channels | Blue (a) are alternate control channels | Site Map(s): RR Locations

Site Hex Name Freqs
001 1 Site-1 142.47000 142.53000 142.63500c 142.74000c 142.93500c 143.44500c

System Talkgroups
Group All in tables Show New Talkgroups

All Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Alpha Tag Description Tag Group
16 001 A BPS/BFSCtywd Citywide Interop All
32 002 A BPS/Courts3 Courts Ch3 Law Talk Police
48 003 A BPS/Events4 Special Events Ch4 Law Talk Police
64 004 A BFS/Training Training Fire-Talk Fire
80 005 A BFS/Preventn Prevention Fire-Talk Fire
96 006 A Afterhours After hours Dispatch Interop All
112 007 A Fleet Svcs Fleet Services Public Works Works
128 008 A BACTS Accessible Transport Transportation Transit
144 009 A Barrie Trnst Buses Transportation Transit
160 00a A BrrTrnitSpvr Supervisors Transportation Transit
208 00d A BrriLandfill Landfill Public Works Works
224 00e A BarrieRdOps Roads and Transporation Public Works Works
256 010 A BarrieBylaw Bylaw Enforcement Public Works Works
320 014 A Channel 1 unid Public Works Works
336 015 A Channel 2 Unknown Public Works Works
368 017 A Spec Evts Special Events Public Works Parks and Rec
384 018 A Surveyors Surveyors?? Public Works Works
400 019 A BarriTraffic Traffic Public Works Works
448 01c A BarriWtrwrks Waterworks Public Works Works
496 01f A Maintenance Maintenance Public Works Parks and Rec
512 020 A Lifeguards Lifeguards Public Works Parks and Rec
528 021 A Daycamp Summer Daycamp Public Works Parks and Rec
560 023 A Marina Marina Public Works Parks and Rec
624 027 A Arena Mtnce Arena Maintenance Public Works Parks and Rec
640 028 A Arena2 Park & Rec swimming pool talk Public Works Parks and Rec
672 02a A Sewers Sewers Public Works Works
688 02b A Spec Evts2 Special Events Public Works Parks and Rec
720 02d A BPS/Survllnc Surveillance Law Talk Police
1600 064 A BarrieEOCG Barrie Emergency Operations Centre Interop All
3200 0c8 A BFS/Dispatch Barrie Fire Dispatch Fire Dispatch Fire
49328 c0b A BFS/Data Data Deprecated Fire

Copyright 2010 by LLC Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions


Mar 17, 2007
i would really Love to moniter these channels. just havent been able to get this to work for me....
if someone has a Undiden BCD396T, i was hoping that maybe they can walk me through this... im obviously doing something wrong...... Just so everyone knows, i am doing all this by manual, i dont have the computer software for this computer :( could that be a reason as well, maybe?

I've upgraded to PRO-106 it should be arriving, within the next 2 weeks :)


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Your best bet is to talk to the good folks in our Eastern Canada forum. There are more than a few Ontario based folks there, and they are likely to be able to point you in the right direction.

I do know that the way you would program it in the 396 is quite different from the 106, as the 2 use totally different memory management schemes.

In order to get you started, I would begin by looking at our wiki (note that all links are blue) - float your mouse over Wiki in the blue toolbar under the Scanner Master ad, and select Wiki Homepage. In the 'Links for Beginners' section, read the 2 articles named 'Trunking Basics' and 'Common Trunking Programming Questions'. In the 'Popular Topics' section we have a FAQ for the Uniden DMA scanners (called 'Uniden DMA FAQ') and for the GRE/RS object oriented scanners (called 'GRE/RS Object Oriented Scanners FAQ'). In both cases, these articles have a link to the 'Easier to Read' manuals. Be sure to download and read the one for the scanner you will use - either the 396 or the 106. There's one for each. I would say that software is the way to go to program these scanners, but understanding the reason why you program something a certain way is just as important. These Easier to Read manuals will help in that regard.

73 Mike
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