Hello... Im sorry for asking probably such a stupid questions... believe me I know how you guys feel reading posts of totally green ppl
Im professional photographer and I feel the same when on forums from my profession... I wann say Hello to everyone here and say thank you for understanding.....
Like I said Im photographer and I need scanner more to listen Air Traffic Control to know is it a 747 getting ready ti land or cessna 172.... an also for Air Shows to know what is going on in the air... with the airports its not that bad... I know frequencies Im seting up my numbers and I can here everything what is going on... Air Show is almost the same... but I figured out that scanner is very nice device and I wish to use it more... so lets start with TRUNKING... OMG I feel like dummy... I have RS PRO-528 Scanner... and now my problem is.... how to listen my local police department ????? most of the year Im in small town Ocean city, MD and I have nothing to do so Im trying to listen online live feed to figured what is going on and be ready for some action pictures.... but I have my scanner so why should I use live feed... of course in the car thats not possible so please let my scanner works !
I know frequencies.... and I know that Ocean City, MD trunking system is a General Electric Ericsson EDACS trunked 800 MHz System. Ocean City has two 800 MHz towers. The main tower with 11 repeaters is located in Berlin just off Rt 90 and Rt 589 while their backup system with 3 repeaters is located at the Public Safety Building on 65th Street... I found 11 frequencies or logical channels numbering what ever the different is....
859.9875 (1) 853.9625 (2) 855.2375 (3) 860.9875 (4) 856.7375 (5)
857.7375 (6) 858.7375 (7) 859.7375 (8) 860.7375 (9) 856.2375 (10)
857.2375 (11)
and now what ?? I'm going to tell u what I did.... I programed every of this 11 frequencies (?) to my scanner: BANK 1 every frequency different channel..... I locked rest of the 88 channels from the bank and now Im pressing TRUNK on my scanner.... and what is going on... I can not hear anything cuz on my display I have info: ID SEARCH then I see how my channels are changing from 1 to 11 and from 1 to 11 and from 1 to 11... looks like something is going on.... Im guessing my scanner is waiting for some voices right ?? I can wait like that forever and I will hear nothing.... Im changing my squelch knob to every possible position and still nothing.... so how can I tune my scanner to my PD department ?? when I stop that channel switching on some of the frequencies I setup I can hear noise and some conversation it looks like that: example: Operator beep beep beep.... noise..... no answer.... than some other conversation 1 or 2 msgs.... omg... I need your help guys.... I've read manual probably 50 times.... I can not understand how this is works.... looks like I can catch some of the part of conversations but how this TRUNK mode works ?? Im not sure I understand situation... is like: Trunk mode is "when" let say car nb 1 is usig 1st frequency to say something than operator using another one to answer and you never know what frequency they going to use thats why u have trunk mode to scan all frequencies they are using right ??? Is it something with vrong with fleet map ?? what the hell is fleet map
I know how to change it cuz my manual is that smart
to give me step by step how to do that but what is going on ?? Im lost....
one more thing.... what is the AFS ?? I see something like: Ocean City Police (Channel 1) Boardwalk 02-021
and how can I use it ?? what is this ?? some secret code of frequency ??
Like I said Im photographer and I need scanner more to listen Air Traffic Control to know is it a 747 getting ready ti land or cessna 172.... an also for Air Shows to know what is going on in the air... with the airports its not that bad... I know frequencies Im seting up my numbers and I can here everything what is going on... Air Show is almost the same... but I figured out that scanner is very nice device and I wish to use it more... so lets start with TRUNKING... OMG I feel like dummy... I have RS PRO-528 Scanner... and now my problem is.... how to listen my local police department ????? most of the year Im in small town Ocean city, MD and I have nothing to do so Im trying to listen online live feed to figured what is going on and be ready for some action pictures.... but I have my scanner so why should I use live feed... of course in the car thats not possible so please let my scanner works !
I know frequencies.... and I know that Ocean City, MD trunking system is a General Electric Ericsson EDACS trunked 800 MHz System. Ocean City has two 800 MHz towers. The main tower with 11 repeaters is located in Berlin just off Rt 90 and Rt 589 while their backup system with 3 repeaters is located at the Public Safety Building on 65th Street... I found 11 frequencies or logical channels numbering what ever the different is....
859.9875 (1) 853.9625 (2) 855.2375 (3) 860.9875 (4) 856.7375 (5)
857.7375 (6) 858.7375 (7) 859.7375 (8) 860.7375 (9) 856.2375 (10)
857.2375 (11)
and now what ?? I'm going to tell u what I did.... I programed every of this 11 frequencies (?) to my scanner: BANK 1 every frequency different channel..... I locked rest of the 88 channels from the bank and now Im pressing TRUNK on my scanner.... and what is going on... I can not hear anything cuz on my display I have info: ID SEARCH then I see how my channels are changing from 1 to 11 and from 1 to 11 and from 1 to 11... looks like something is going on.... Im guessing my scanner is waiting for some voices right ?? I can wait like that forever and I will hear nothing.... Im changing my squelch knob to every possible position and still nothing.... so how can I tune my scanner to my PD department ?? when I stop that channel switching on some of the frequencies I setup I can hear noise and some conversation it looks like that: example: Operator beep beep beep.... noise..... no answer.... than some other conversation 1 or 2 msgs.... omg... I need your help guys.... I've read manual probably 50 times.... I can not understand how this is works.... looks like I can catch some of the part of conversations but how this TRUNK mode works ?? Im not sure I understand situation... is like: Trunk mode is "when" let say car nb 1 is usig 1st frequency to say something than operator using another one to answer and you never know what frequency they going to use thats why u have trunk mode to scan all frequencies they are using right ??? Is it something with vrong with fleet map ?? what the hell is fleet map
one more thing.... what is the AFS ?? I see something like: Ocean City Police (Channel 1) Boardwalk 02-021
and how can I use it ?? what is this ?? some secret code of frequency ??