Frankly, though, the idea that having a scanner will prevent you from being the victim of a crime is kind of absurd. It's a radio, not a crystal ball.
Actually Thursday, I avoided a car chase and a police shooting. So I'd argue it works. Although i understand what you are saying, it at least FEELS safer.
As for the fire arm. I'm pretty sure CCW permits are completely illegal in Illinois, there would be no way I could get one, besides I thought it was a federal offense to transport a weapon across state lines?
My vehicle is not a normal CMV, It's my personal car, with a sign in the window. If I was in a car I did not have to drive home in, I could care less, but the fact that I'm putting my own property at risk, is why I'm concerned. Especially being that I am white, with out of state plates, like I said, I stick out ALOT after dark.
I had my boss mail a letter to the Sheriff of Lake County, explaining the situation, based on the reply I receive, I plan to try the IN State Police and even Gary if that's what it takes. My company has been around since the 70's and most of the local police on our routes know who we are, so I am fairly confident in a good response.
thanks for all the info
I was reading the laws, and they are worded strangely but if I understand this line correctly, as long as I am not committing a crime, I should be safe?
(10) a person who possesses or uses a police radio during the normal course of the person's lawful business.
(c) As used in this section, "police radio" means a radio that is capable of sending or receiving signals transmitted on frequencies assigned by the Federal Communications Commission for police emergency purposes and that:
(1) can be installed, maintained, or operated in a vehicle; or
(2) can be operated while it is being carried by an individual.
I could be wrong, but that is what I get from this. However like I said, this is laid out strange and worded vaugely, I'm guessing on purpose