i'm logging a lot of 2-10sec transmissions on GMRS that don't have any audio that i can discern. my SDS100 is chirping all day long about it, and i haven't gone on a dive through the recordings yet but on .72500 with C 114.8 today i've had over 250 hits since this morning. the alert goes off on my scanner, ProScan is hitched up to it, so i've got an iPad Pro riding shotgun giving me a log tail via RDP.
RSSI is usually ~-80 on these. it's interfering with my ability to monitor an NXDN system so i've had to disable my FRS/GMRS list for now. i just don't know if i have an equipment problem or what.
the 1080 upstairs has priority assigned to GMRS i'm hearing a lot more AM CB than usual too, but i can hear those transmissions. the GMRS ones are apparently silent.
my GMRS system uses some of the same frequencies but not that squelch code, but between the scanners and my kitchen radio it's starting to weird me out.
RSSI is usually ~-80 on these. it's interfering with my ability to monitor an NXDN system so i've had to disable my FRS/GMRS list for now. i just don't know if i have an equipment problem or what.
the 1080 upstairs has priority assigned to GMRS i'm hearing a lot more AM CB than usual too, but i can hear those transmissions. the GMRS ones are apparently silent.
my GMRS system uses some of the same frequencies but not that squelch code, but between the scanners and my kitchen radio it's starting to weird me out.