my partner is telling me that i should teach workshops on using radios to people because while a lot of men think being prepared means Buy Stuff, apparently there's a large demographic of women that don't like to rely on men that think that way 😂
Good luck. I periodically do radio training for work. It's a careful line you need to walk. You have to adjust the training based on the skill/knowledge of the user. Often it's easy to get too technical and overwhelm people. Gotta remember that while many think they are knowledgable about radio, their limits usually stop at "push to talk, release to listen". Anything beyond that gets them lost really quickly.
i do need to recommend best practices for making contact outside of your local household or organization though and volumes of text have been written about everything from old federations of volunteers and travel tones, the GMRS 19 at 9pm events happening in some places, and of course that GMRS isn't intended to be used to meet people (i am aware 😂) and reading and summarizing dozens? hundreds? of emergency response plans for households and small orgs.
One of the big challenges with GMRS is PL/DPL usage. Most users can't comprehend how it works. A lot of people on these forums have a hard time understanding it. Training people to comprehend how it works and how it screws things up can be difficult.
Too many of these plans that are out there rely on having a preprogrammed radio that the user cannot adjust.
The ideal radio for this sort of application would be a single channel radio with only an on/off/volume and a push to talk button.
A -lot- of those home grown radio plans are garbage. Dreamed up by self proclaimed raydeeoh teknishuns/YouTubes experts who don't have a full grasp on the technology. Might be some useful info out there, but I'm betting that 75% of the plans are pure garbage.
If you want a good radio interoperability plan, take a look at the NIFOG guide. It's built on users from different agencies/cities/states being able to interoperate. Standardization is the key, taking guess work out of the equation, and keeping things simple. Unfortunately many of these home grown radio groups get blinded by the technology and over complicate things.
FRS/GMRS channel 1. No privacy code, no PL, no DPL. Analog only. No roger beeps, no ring tones, no CCR's, no hacked ham radios. Use alkaline AA or AAA batteries that you can get at 7-11 or stockpile from Costco.
I know, probably not what you were asking, but I read through some of these "radio plans" and I see so many that miss the point and think adding technology and complications will somehow make things work better.