Is my old analog scanner useful? New to this hobby.

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Jul 16, 2020
Some parts of Cleveland area's. If you don't want to spend money on a digital scanner, then buy a Bearcat BCT-15X. They were around $125.00 on Amazon (3) months ago but have gone up to 184.77 but Bearcat Warehouse is $159.90(had (2) left today but they only ship free on digital scanners but no sales tax to Ohio, only Maryland residents. Call them at 877-568-7226 tomorrow and ask for Melissa/Paul.
Hope this helps you out.
I like that price way better! Some people on this post are also saying the BCD-996P2 but is alot more! and some are saying the Uniden SDS200? But that expensive as well. I like your price tho.


Dec 20, 2016
Eastchester, NY
Bearcat-800XLT from like 1985 or 1986
That model is for USA use but VERY limited. It was a BIG seller in 1986 as cell phones were analog back then and it the instruction manual, it stated NOT to program the scanner in the cell phone ranges but everyone did. It also is a double conversion circuitry, not triple like today so you get what they call "RF" meaning intermod and has no PL-private line refered to as ctcss/dcs.
You will NOT be able to enter some frequencies as some are narrow banding. Narrow banding allows more frequency's in a smaller space. Go to and look up Ohio, then you county for Clevland. I can assist you over the phone programing this radio, so private message me. Also, make sure that scanner has (2) new AA batteries put in the rear incase of a power failure, otherwise you will lose everything we(you) did.
If I were you, I would invest in a digital scanner but if no funds, at least a Bearcat BCT-15X which is the BEST non digital trunking/conventional scanner out there and it also displays the agency you are listening to commonly called Alpha-Tagging.
Hope I have helped you out. Stay safe.


Jul 16, 2020
Uniden bearcat
That model is for USA use but VERY limited. It was a BIG seller in 1986 as cell phones were analog back then and it the instruction manual, it stated NOT to program the scanner in the cell phone ranges but everyone did. It also is a double conversion circuitry, not triple like today so you get what they call "RF" meaning intermod and has no PL-private line refered to as ctcss/dcs.
You will NOT be able to enter some frequencies as some are narrow banding. Narrow banding allows more frequency's in a smaller space. Go to and look up Ohio, then you county for Clevland. I can assist you over the phone programing this radio, so private message me. Also, make sure that scanner has (2) new AA batteries put in the rear incase of a power failure, otherwise you will lose everything we(you) did.
If I were you, I would invest in a digital scanner but if no funds, at least a Bearcat BCT-15X which is the BEST non digital trunking/conventional scanner out there and it also displays the agency you are listening to commonly called Alpha-Tagging.
Hope I have helped you out. Stay safe.

Hey Thank you! On ebay, the Bearcat BCT-15x sells for $149.00, so maybe when I purchase that one, you could help me get it started. I may be able to look up youtube videos about and do it myself, but am sure you could be of great help.


Jul 16, 2020
Hello I was looking into Uniden Home patrol 1 not 2, it is being given to me very cheap. I was wondering if you would be able to help? It doesnt scan for Phase 2 TDMA, but will do phase 1. Are you able to look up my area and tell me if I really need a phase 2 scanner or is it not neccesary at this time? I appears that Parma has a phase 2 but mostly all the other cities are phase 1. Can you help? I live in cuyahoga county ohio, cleveland area. Thanks.


Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
Hello I was looking into Uniden Home patrol 1 not 2, it is being given to me very cheap. I was wondering if you would be able to help? It doesnt scan for Phase 2 TDMA, but will do phase 1. Are you able to look up my area and tell me if I really need a phase 2 scanner or is it not neccesary at this time? I appears that Parma has a phase 2 but mostly all the other cities are phase 1. Can you help? I live in cuyahoga county ohio, cleveland area. Thanks.

Not necessary at this time. The HP-1 will work with all systems that are Phase I. The Parma system has a mix of D and T Talkgroup ID's. You won't be able to hear those with a T, as that is Phase II. The HP-1 works great on any analog conventional that is in the area also.

When I come to visit family in Cleveland, I bring a scanner for Phase I and another for Phase II. All work great.


Feb 2, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio

Regarding P25 systems. There are three P25 systems in use in Cuyahoga County, all three are currently Phase I.

1. The City of Cleveland GCRCN system, is the largest system in the county.

2. The State of Ohio MARCS system which is next in size in the county and is primarily used by communities that are located on or near the border of the surrounding counties for mutual aid purposes.

3. The City of Parma system, which is the smallest P25 system and is Phase 1 only. Note, Medina and Ottawa counties pay Parma to use the Parma systems controller. Medina County is the only user to use Phase II.

All three systems are Simulcast systems. Why did mention that all three P25 systems are Simulcast? Because there are only two scanners that can reliably monitor Simulcast systems, the Uniden SDS 100 and SDS 200.

So, the HP-1 may or may not be able to clearly monitor any of the above mentioned systems. It's very location specific. The only way to know, is to program your HP-1 and try to monitor them.


Jul 16, 2020

Regarding P25 systems. There are three P25 systems in use in Cuyahoga County, all three are currently Phase I.

1. The City of Cleveland GCRCN system, is the largest system in the county.

2. The State of Ohio MARCS system which is next in size in the county and is primarily used by communities that are located on or near the border of the surrounding counties for mutual aid purposes.

3. The City of Parma system, which is the smallest P25 system and is Phase 1 only. Note, Medina and Ottawa counties pay Parma to use the Parma systems controller. Medina County is the only user to use Phase II.

All three systems are Simulcast systems. Why did mention that all three P25 systems are Simulcast? Because there are only two scanners that can reliably monitor Simulcast systems, the Uniden SDS 100 and SDS 200.

So, the HP-1 may or may not be able to clearly monitor any of the above mentioned systems. It's very location specific. The only way to know, is to program your HP-1 and try to monitor them.
Thank you! Well, I just purchased the HP 2 instead of the home patrol 1. Damn, hopefully I didnt waste money and should have taken your advice and purchased a system that handles simulcast. I guess the difference between HP1 and HP2 is that HP2 handles phase 2 TDMA systems and HP1 does not. Well, I can always sell it on ebay and make my money back.. Thank you.


More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
The HomePatrol models are pretty much Uniden's worst for decoding simulcast. Prepare to be disappointed; you may get lucky and find yourself in a good spod where each system comes in clearly, but the odds are not in your favor.


Feed Provider
Mar 19, 2007
Virginia/West Virginia
If you pick up some digital transmissions but they sound garbled, that will be the effect of simulcast on a scanner that doesn't have hardware compatible with simulcast.
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