CTCSS/DCS is permitted on CB, and always has (although it didn't work reliably on AM). With FM, it's one of the things that could make CB tolerable again.
I've just driven about 1,200 miles across the western states. I don't have a CB in my truck, but I have been scanning FRS/GMRS. Briefly I scanned MURS.
MURS is mostly businesses and heard in cities. Didn't hear any MURS users outside of towns, and even then it was pretty slim.
FRS/GMRS has been pretty active.
-Heard a hotel talking about getting rooms ready.
-Lots of businesses doing their thing.
-Lots of construction.
-Lots of kids.
-A few families on the road communicating between cars.
-In Western Colorado/Eastern Utah, quite a bit of off road users.
Did this trip a few years back with a CB. Heard very little -useful- traffic.
The average consumer wants small, easy and cheap. They don't care about the technology, just as long as the tool does what they want it to do. A couple of cheap FRS radios work well for what most need for very little investment and a few batteries.