I can assure you its no where near the best on the market for that bandwidth ... I can name you a few antenna's that will knock the socks off that Scantenna - the problem is they all cost lots more money (lots more money!).
What I think you can expect is that along side a discone alternative in the same price range, it could be demonstrated to work as well, if not even better across certain sections of the overall Rx bandwidth, and in other sections of the overall band width, you can just as easily expect to see a discone display greater gain and/or greater sensivity.
The point is, that unless an antenna manufacturer defines what they mean when claiming their product is the best, and also provide evidence to back up their claim, the statement is just another one of those very sweeping statements that manufacturers just love to make.
In the absence of performance figures & evidence e.g. x/y freq & gain graph and the sensitivity figures for different frequencies within the overall Rx band width coverage, and thats just for a start ... theres a whole bunch of other criteria that really need to be defined by a manufacturer before they can make such a claim - it ain't worth the paper it's written on. It's worth SXXXE
I'm not saying this Scantenna isn't any good - it may well indeed be a better choice than the discone option in your opening note (I couldn't say - I have no xperience with either of them - just take the manufacturers' claim (any manufacturers claim) with a pinch of salt, untill they put the evidence on the table. Ignore it completly.
The user opinion expressed by another member regards the ST2 is worth a 1000 x's more than the claim made by the manufacturer.