Is this how the trunking Starnet System Works?

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Jun 11, 2004
Houston Texas
With the Trunked Starnet System
Can you explaine about and how the Tomball,Clodine, Dickinson , and other site locations WORK?
Do they work like, This ? Say I am driving near Dickinson (South of Houston), would I hear, example the HC SO signal
comming from the Dickinson Site, instead of the (Downtown Site, which I Currently hear from my home)
Or say I am driving near Tomball (North of Houston), would I hear, Example the HC SO signal comming from the Tomball
Site, instead of the (Downtown Site, which I Currently hear from my home).?
Most if not all of the Harris County Sheriff Dept. transmissions, I hear come from the Downtown Site.
What would happend if I took all the Freq,'s out of the scanner, except the Downtown Site and I was driving near Tomball,
Would I (maybe ) only hear transmissions from the Downtown Site?
If the transmissions work this way, Then I could make V-scanner folders for going South to Galveston and another V-scanner
folder for going North, like Dallas, with just the Sites entered for Each Direction. Right?


Feb 24, 2001
If you want to roam with your scanner, then yes - put additional sites in the extra banks of the radio. You'll want to lock out the downtown site once you get out of range so that the radio doesn't try to acquire it (assuming the radio supports this).

The different sites don't carry all of the system's traffic, only the traffic needed for each specific site.

Beware that once you're out of range of the downtown system, you may miss some activity because there are no users at the remote site monitoring that talkgroup. On the other hand, you're more likely to hear activity relevant to the area you're in which is what most folks want.



Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2003
Houston, Texas
This is how those sites work:

The Downtown site carries all traffic unless it is down. The remote sites (Tomball, Clodine, ect...) only repeat the TG if a unit is in affiliation with the site, so more than likely your not going to hear HCSO Dispatch 1 on the Missouri City site or the Pearland site. Unless an OD deputy has his radio on, on Dispatch 1 and he is in the Pearland or Missouri City area, then his radio would be affiliating with that site. Dispatch 4 uses the Clodine site all of the time and sometimes other sites too. Dispatch 1 always uses the Tomball site with a few others. The Downtown site transmits every TG which is then transmitted on whatever site.

I'm guessing you have a Pro-96 since you mentioned V-Folders. This is what I do, I put every site's control channels in one bank. I just unlock every control channel and when I drive around my scanner picks up the first control channel it finds and monitors that site. I get really good results with this method.
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