I took my Kenwood R2000 which will run on 12v from the car battery, a couple of dozen garden canes, a long earth spike and about 600ft of telephone wire out to a nearby swamp some time ago. Laid out the wire then tied it to the top of the canes, fired up the radio ....and....and.... ten or more electric fence units from the cattle farms surrounding me! The noise blanker cut it back a bit and I could definitely hear some Australian BC bands stations but the noise from the fencers was too much!
Before I moved here to this valley I lived on a hill which sloped down towards the coast about 20miles away facing Australia - my best NDB was Port McQuarie PMQ on 395kHz on the other side of the Tasman - 2300km, say 1400miles.
Before I moved here to this valley I lived on a hill which sloped down towards the coast about 20miles away facing Australia - my best NDB was Port McQuarie PMQ on 395kHz on the other side of the Tasman - 2300km, say 1400miles.