It's Derby time again 2008

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Sep 1, 2005
newsalan said:
I thought they were supply chain solutions people.
But they are "timely" and that’s a good thing if we could find out where one is located.

And I think Brantley does U of L hospital also or used to, been a long time since I've been on the upper floors and New Years I was in Room Nine but no scanner. (Visiting) Not a Patient.

See supply chain does their own checks and they are located on Outer Loop. It is near the old Louisville Motor Speedway across from the Outer Loop Landfill.

Mills Detective agency had the UofL Security contract as of about 2-3 yrs ago but I haven't been a patient or visitor in a very, very long time...Thank goodness.

Since I am going to Kroger, I guess I will have to get shot to go to University. I am a versatile kinda of guy...I will take one for the team...LOl...



Active Member
Sep 5, 2003
BigDog-911 said:
See supply chain does their own checks and they are located on Outer Loop. It is near the old Louisville Motor Speedway across from the Outer Loop Landfill.

Mills Detective agency had the UofL Security contract as of about 2-3 yrs ago but I haven't been a patient or visitor in a very, very long time...Thank goodness.

Since I am going to Kroger, I guess I will have to get shot to go to University. I am a versatile kinda of guy...I will take one for the team...LOl...

Actually what I need, since my Uniden Scanner sucks since the upgrade.
Is grouping of ID's for instance 59208 through 59688 and seeing if they respond within the same group. I can't really tell, and I don't have time to listen lately. But with that I can break it down into a Fleet.

Sometimes I think they are all on the same group, then other times I think they are all separate. That's what has me confused.

If you want to try, just need control channel only and no fleet map, and just write down or log the ID's that come up. Because of your job... ;) I know you are good at identifying voices, and it's a guess at who belongs with which group.


Active Member
Sep 5, 2003
New Fleet Map to try out

I believe Derby Season starts (Churchhill opens) tomorrow, April 25
There is one possible problem, but it's with a lower block.

700-1 Unk
700-2 Churchill Security & Clubhouse
700-3 Track references, possibly grounds
700-4 Active Unk
700-5 ?
700-6 ?
700-7 ?
700-8 ?
700-9 Sierra (Security)
700-10 Downtown Cleanup units (Bat & Derby Units)
700-11 Supply Chain Security
700-12 Churchill Cashiers? Also Security camera operators.
700-13 4th Street Live Security
204-1 Derby Fest Ops
600-1 1 & 2 are related, and possibly 600-3, Derby Fest? Same person testing radios on 1 & 2
600-2 See above...
600-12 Brantley Security


Active Member
Sep 5, 2003
05-01-08 Changed Fleet Map

Again, running into some changes, and some new ID I have never heard before which changed the fleet map guesses.

But what I did hear was fun, Elevator stuck at Churchill and all the problems it created. Ended up in the middle of Derby selections with the VIP families and not impressed with security guards.

Block 1 = S1
Block 2 = S4
Block 3 = S3
Block 4 = S3 is my best guess, nothing heard here yet.
Block 5 = S2
Block 6 = S2
Block 7 = S11

Some of the blocks match other setting, so I chose the one that allows the most radio per block.
Block 7 has not changed, so what I posted for that is still accurate.

Other have changed slightly
Block 2
200-8 Derby Fest Ops

Block 3
302-4 Hospitality 1
302-5 Hospitality 2

49280 I don’t have the Fleet breakdown with me, but these appear to be Derby (fest) related.
49200 Same as above


a Kentucky DB Admin...
Jan 2, 2003
far from Nonesuch, Ky...
Thanx for your work Alan.... I'll post this in the text as soon as I finish here... FYI all, I will be out-of-circulation for the next few days.... Will try to check in late Friday and again possibly Sunday.... it's Derby in Kentucky and the wx guessers are saying the skies could be ugly part of the time....


Active Member
Sep 5, 2003
ID's for Derby with Fleet Map

000-1 Housekeeping
002-1 Hotel Limo
200-4 Derby Fest Ops
505-1 Selling something
302-4 CH Hospitality #1
302-5 CH Hospitality #2
610-1 Airport Limo's
700-1 Mutual/Admission
700-2 Clubhouse/Security
700-3 Maintenance
700-4 Track Operations
700-9 Sierra Units (Security)
700-10 Downtown Cleanup Ops
700-11 Supply Chain Solutions Security
700-12 CH Office
700-13 4th St Live Security


a Kentucky DB Admin...
Jan 2, 2003
far from Nonesuch, Ky...
I'll try to update the data base with all of this soon, here is the info gleaned from the Churchill visit.... First, according to someone at the Track, with the new management most of the Churchill Security folks are gone, Brantley has that job now.... it was interesting listening to the parking instructions at 0500 today...

The TRS listed in th4e Jefferson County data base apparently isn't being used as a TRS (although still listed as TRS in ULS-WNYP413). When you hear one of the folks on the RCS TRS from Churchill tell someone to "go to 7", it is 859.78750/250.3, 858.78750/250.3 was in use a lot as well, sounded like maintenance folks.... Tone is changed from last year...

The Derby Museum is on 469.5375/103.5 and 469.88750/103.5...

302-04 seemed to be the Hospitality Primary and a busy bunch they were... even asking for a good showing of employees for the Lt. Governor's visit.... also on: 302-05 and 302-06. Security used 700-02 as their primary (with frequent trips to "7") and they operate on a number of the 700-xx talk groups... a number of the talk groups are used by more than one group, mostly 700-xx... Backside uses 700-05, Clockers are on 700-02

Metrosafe made an appearance also....00001 was their Command Channel.... earlier someone was talking about a cut cable under the console on 00037....
trashman listed some KYNG/KYEM freqs.... here's more:
148.75000/141.36500 P25
139.46500/139.96000 P25
also some analogue:
149.82500/137.97500 162.2
143.27500 162.2
149.71250 162.2

Some of the Corporate Suites were being worked on 452.82500 (licensed to RCS).

Monitored some talk groups on the Louisville-Jefferson Government TRS:
400-00 is Animal Control
200-08 and 200-13 are ground crew (baggae handlers) at SDF...

There is a little more, but I am really out-of-it right now....


Active Member
Sep 5, 2003
unitcharlie said:
I'll try to update the data base with all of this soon, here is the info gleaned from the Churchill visit.... First, according to someone at the Track, with the new management most of the Churchill Security folks are gone, Brantley has that job now.... it was interesting listening to the parking instructions at 0500 today...

The TRS listed in th4e Jefferson County data base apparently isn't being used as a TRS (although still listed as TRS in ULS-WNYP413). When you hear one of the folks on the RCS TRS from Churchill tell someone to "go to 7", it is 859.78750/250.3, 858.78750/250.3 was in use a lot as well, sounded like maintenance folks.... Tone is changed from last year...

The Derby Museum is on 469.5375/103.5 and 469.88750/103.5...

302-04 seemed to be the Hospitality Primary and a busy bunch they were... even asking for a good showing of employees for the Lt. Governor's visit.... also on: 302-05 and 302-06. Security used 700-02 as their primary (with frequent trips to "7") and they operate on a number of the 700-xx talk groups... a number of the talk groups are used by more than one group, mostly 700-xx... Backside uses 700-05, Clockers are on 700-02

Metrosafe made an appearance also....00001 was their Command Channel.... earlier someone was talking about a cut cable under the console on 00037....
trashman listed some KYNG/KYEM freqs.... here's more:
148.75000/141.36500 P25
139.46500/139.96000 P25
also some analogue:
149.82500/137.97500 162.2
143.27500 162.2
149.71250 162.2

Some of the Corporate Suites were being worked on 452.82500 (licensed to RCS).

Monitored some talk groups on the Louisville-Jefferson Government TRS:
400-00 is Animal Control
200-08 and 200-13 are ground crew (baggage handlers) at SDF...

There is a little more, but I am really out-of-it right now....
Cool, were you suing the old posted Fleet map or the newer one I posted... I have 700-4 as Track operations, and I have not had a chance to listen, and now is the time for it :(
but there should be no duplication of groups unless they normally communicate together. 700-2 is Clubhouse and security on the same group. 700-2 & 700-4 can communicate by switching channels.
Also appears 600-2, (and possibly 600-4, 600-5) are Churchill related heard lots of talk about suites and moving people.
Great work :) you did all that and your job, you the man!


a Kentucky DB Admin...
Jan 2, 2003
far from Nonesuch, Ky...
newsalan said:
Cool, were you suing the old posted Fleet map or the newer one I posted... I have 700-4 as Track operations, and I have not had a chance to listen, and now is the time for it :(
but there should be no duplication of groups unless they normally communicate together. 700-2 is Clubhouse and security on the same group. 700-2 & 700-4 can communicate by switching channels.
Also appears 600-2, (and possibly 600-4, 600-5) are Churchill related heard lots of talk about suites and moving people.
Great work :) you did all that and your job, you the man!

The ideal newsies can do 13 things at once and not shoot blue video in morning twilight!
Actually, there was a fair amount of downtime between shoots so there was plenty of time to monitor and watch.... some of the Sierras wondered what I was doing....

This is the fleet map (the one you posted) I used:
B0-S1 B1-S1 B2-S4 B3-S3 B4-S3 B5-S2 B6-S2 B7-S11

The duplicate use talk groups appear to be an economy thing, the different groups of workers using them don't "work" at the same times so they can share them efficeiently... Many of the 600-xx folks are management types or the essential staff (Cashiers were on... 700-xx appear to be "worker bees" although Brantley 1 (they weren't wearing the distinctive nylon jackets) and other "boss" types were all over those TGs... it was really interesting listening to the parking disputes that lasted well into the morning.... the Escorts were wondering where the "Red Shuttle" was and if it even existed (the red Street Car looking bus running between the parking lots and the Infield), one of the folks even decided that she needed to take a walk to see if it was actually there.... 302-xx appears to be Escort/Hospitality folks with 302-02 being the primary...

CORRECTION: In yesterday's post I had the baggage handlers on the Louisville/Jefferson TRS, they are on the RCS system of interest to Churchill fans.... they are 200-xx TGs... 200-12 appears to be SDF Maintenance... 200-13 appears to be Ground Crew at SDF... The Limo Service on 002-2 has "Louisville 1"... they were busy doing runs between SDF and sounded like LOU as well... with runs downtown....

More later as I wade thru the notes....
I think the best way to show this system now is with the Talk Groups divided between Churchill/Derby Festival and non-Derby festival use... I know that is a pain, but it seems the year-long users of this TRS are there and then it is expanded some what during the Spring to make room for the added radios for the Derby Stuff, then shrinks to normal again afterwards..... so after the Derby rush is over we'll have to compare some before and after info and see what goes where....



Active Member
Sep 5, 2003
unitcharlie said:
The ideal newsies can do 13 things at once and not shoot blue video in morning twilight!
Actually, there was a fair amount of downtime between shoots so there was plenty of time to monitor and watch.... some of the Sierras wondered what I was doing....

This is the fleet map (the one you posted) I used:
B0-S1 B1-S1 B2-S4 B3-S3 B4-S3 B5-S2 B6-S2 B7-S11

The duplicate use talk groups appear to be an economy thing, the different groups of workers using them don't "work" at the same times so they can share them efficeiently... Many of the 600-xx folks are management types or the essential staff (Cashiers were on... 700-xx appear to be "worker bees" although Brantley 1 (they weren't wearing the distinctive nylon jackets) and other "boss" types were all over those TGs... it was really interesting listening to the parking disputes that lasted well into the morning.... the Escorts were wondering where the "Red Shuttle" was and if it even existed (the red Street Car looking bus running between the parking lots and the Infield), one of the folks even decided that she needed to take a walk to see if it was actually there.... 302-xx appears to be Escort/Hospitality folks with 302-02 being the primary...

CORRECTION: In yesterday's post I had the baggage handlers on the Louisville/Jefferson TRS, they are on the RCS system of interest to Churchill fans.... they are 200-xx TGs... 200-12 appears to be SDF Maintenance... 200-13 appears to be Ground Crew at SDF... The Limo Service on 002-2 has "Louisville 1"... they were busy doing runs between SDF and sounded like LOU as well... with runs downtown....

More later as I wade thru the notes....
I think the best way to show this system now is with the Talk Groups divided between Churchill/Derby Festival and non-Derby festival use... I know that is a pain, but it seems the year-long users of this TRS are there and then it is expanded some what during the Spring to make room for the added radios for the Derby Stuff, then shrinks to normal again afterwards..... so after the Derby rush is over we'll have to compare some before and after info and see what goes where....

Ok, that bums me, because there should not be any xxx-0 as those are reserved for all fleet calls, they were not used much, as it's "dispatch" to all units and then they answer on regular channels. Since they are almost all on portables, I don't think it's used...
Yes, they were pitching a fit last night on what i heard, could not get an exit gate unlocked, called for bolt cutters, and the lady kept saying if you don't get it open, it going to be bad...

One I thing I did that helped me, was draw a grid on a piece of paper 5 X 5 and started filling it in with information. Though a lot of my work was from type II ID's size S0 converted to type I ID's


Active Member
Sep 5, 2003
Also don't forget 860.7875, it is in that block with 859.7875 & 858.7875

And have you heard anything on 462.2875... keep dry today.


Dec 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
newsalan said:
Also don't forget 860.7875, it is in that block with 859.7875 & 858.7875

And have you heard anything on 462.2875... keep dry today.

I am hearing traffic on 462.2875, but I'm a bit distant to get a good read on it (Fern Creek area) Will update when I get CTCSS/DCS.

I *am* able to confirm that the National Guard P25 channels are using NAC 293, however.

I'll also be able to confirm if things have massively changed re the fleetmaps after Derby--some of the talkgroups I have monitored on this system in past (particularly some of the talkgroups for trucking/shipping companies) are not active save *very* early in the morning.


Sep 1, 2005

Metrosafe made an appearance also....00001 was their Command Channel

They just did a roll call on this channel...This is the command channel for the Derby detail....

The layout of channels are as follows.

Churchill Downs Security (LMPD) Sub F-3 155-580 / Urb Ch 4 460.475
Chruchill Downs Traffic (LMPD) Urban 6 460-225
EMS Med 5 460.100
Fire Ch 3 460.600
KSP Command Post repeater. (I think it is 154.920 but need to check)
KYNG Derby main just did a check also on 139.460 to Frankfort

Hope this helps you all to enjoy all that there is to hear.
Last edited:


Active Member
Sep 5, 2003
windigofer said:
I am hearing traffic on 462.2875, but I'm a bit distant to get a good read on it (Fern Creek area) Will update when I get CTCSS/DCS.

I *am* able to confirm that the National Guard P25 channels are using NAC 293, however.

I'll also be able to confirm if things have massively changed re the fleetmaps after Derby--some of the talkgroups I have monitored on this system in past (particularly some of the talkgroups for trucking/shipping companies) are not active save *very* early in the morning.
Do you the "different" newer fleet map or are you using the old one from the database.
Yes, some of the groups appear different, even if using the old fleet map. I think some of the radios might be rentals, and the rest are normally used for day to day operations. Just a guess on my part though.


Dec 12, 2002
Louisville, KY
newsalan said:
Do you the "different" newer fleet map or are you using the old one from the database.
Yes, some of the groups appear different, even if using the old fleet map. I think some of the radios might be rentals, and the rest are normally used for day to day operations. Just a guess on my part though.

I actually have two different setups (a Derby/"investigational" bank with the new fleetmap, and the old fleetmap and talkgroups for comparison)--so I should be able to compare this fairly painlessly once Derby ends. (Yay PSR-500 and being able to keep two fleetmaps and banks :D)

The discovery of the early-morning trucking groups was with the "old" fleetmap about six months ago--hence why I want to confirm how things map with the new fleetmap. (I've noticed some differences on how things map myself, hence there will probably be much reduxing; I also want to see if the new fleetmap breaks some of the lower talkgroups.)


Active Member
Sep 5, 2003
windigofer said:
I actually have two different setups (a Derby/"investigational" bank with the new fleetmap, and the old fleetmap and talkgroups for comparison)--so I should be able to compare this fairly painlessly once Derby ends. (Yay PSR-500 and being able to keep two fleetmaps and banks :D)

The discovery of the early-morning trucking groups was with the "old" fleetmap about six months ago--hence why I want to confirm how things map with the new fleetmap. (I've noticed some differences on how things map myself, hence there will probably be much reduxing; I also want to see if the new fleetmap breaks some of the lower talkgroups.)
Cool, I've made a change or two since that one was posted, but I'll wait and do a little more checking. I really need some more ID's from Block 3 & 4

The good thing is Block 7 seems to be correct, but if you hear users replying on two different ID's then it too is wrong, but so far it seems correct. And the the earlier posting on 000-0 should not appear either.


Active Member
Sep 5, 2003
win96 file of fleetmap guesses

I am attaching my win96 file here for people to check out.
Nothing is labeled as I trying to find what fits and works, then we'll work on rebuilding the database after Derby is over.

I take the Type II id's, past them into win96 have each bank as a Block,
bank 0 equals block 0, bank 1 equals block 1, and so on
Type II id' are separated into proper blocks before doing this.

Then I past the type II id into that and convert and test options using various Fleet Map permutations.


  • 10 or # Scratchpad .p96.txt
    33.9 KB · Views: 94


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
The KSP frequency of 154.92 is correct. It's the same thing they use during the fair. I think, but not sure, the actual repeater is at the Fairgrounds armory.
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