I'll try to update the data base with all of this soon, here is the info gleaned from the Churchill visit.... First, according to someone at the Track, with the new management most of the Churchill Security folks are gone, Brantley has that job now.... it was interesting listening to the parking instructions at 0500 today...
The TRS listed in th4e Jefferson County data base apparently isn't being used as a TRS (although still listed as TRS in ULS-
WNYP413). When you hear one of the folks on the RCS TRS from Churchill tell someone to "go to 7", it is 859.78750/250.3, 858.78750/250.3 was in use a lot as well, sounded like maintenance folks.... Tone is changed from last year...
The Derby Museum is on 469.5375/103.5 and 469.88750/103.5...
302-04 seemed to be the Hospitality Primary and a busy bunch they were... even asking for a good showing of employees for the Lt. Governor's visit.... also on: 302-05 and 302-06. Security used 700-02 as their primary (with frequent trips to "7") and they operate on a number of the 700-xx talk groups... a number of the talk groups are used by more than one group, mostly 700-xx... Backside uses 700-05, Clockers are on 700-02
Metrosafe made an appearance also....00001 was their Command Channel.... earlier someone was talking about a cut cable under the console on 00037....
trashman listed some KYNG/KYEM freqs.... here's more:
148.75000/141.36500 P25
139.46500/139.96000 P25
also some analogue:
149.82500/137.97500 162.2
143.27500 162.2
149.71250 162.2
Some of the Corporate Suites were being worked on 452.82500 (licensed to RCS).
Monitored some talk groups on the Louisville-Jefferson Government TRS:
400-00 is Animal Control
200-08 and 200-13 are ground crew (baggage handlers) at SDF...
There is a little more, but I am really out-of-it right now....