TRACON radios are occasionally co-located at an RCAG. (OLM RCAG) A Center radio may be co-located at a TRACON RTR site. (JAX) The yagi at SEA-TAC was on top of the terminal building, not at an RCAG RCO, or RTR site. Tell ZHU, Shanwick, and Moncton that ATC doesn't use yagis or corner reflectors. And why did you bring up ARINC?
You brought up ARINC, not me. "ARINC has some directional VHFs as well."
Nobody is talking about co-located anything. The OP had a theory that the controller at ZJX was switching between beam antennas and omnis. As I answered, that does not happen. Shanwick and Moncton???? You mean outside the US, and not ZJX? I have no idea what they use outside the US. That's not my specialty and has absolutely nothing to do with the original post. In the US centers, specifically ZJX, there are no beam antennas used.
ZHU? You mean sectors 28, 30, 53? The offshore sectors? Yeah...they use omnidirectional dipoles.