Each suburban fire station has one set of tones for fire calls and another set of tones for Medical calls. That's not exactly a hard and fast rule because some departments have, for good reason, chosen to use only one set of tones for fire due to some unique operational situations. Then there are a couple of "All Call" tones (one long tone).
Also whatever list you may have for Louisville fire is long obsolete. They haven't used tone and voice alerting for years.
It looks like you are trying to program a Mintor Pager and there isn't room enough for all the tone groups.
While you have explained your question adequately, K4KTR hit the nail on the head, the list of tones isn't publicly available. Chalk it up to one evil person ruining something for everyone. Years ago someone had a radio capable of generating tones and activated firefighter's pagers reporting false calls. Fortunately he was caught and had some quality time with a judge. Still it was bad enough to avoid the risk of it happening again.
With that in mind, I'm sure you can understand the reasons for the holding these cards close to the vest.