Local laws?
I had inferred from references to the FCC regulation preempting state/local laws that Jersey City was a town that had strict anti-scanner laws, and that hams had in the past been prosecuted for their use (probably mobile). I used to have more links, but here is one:
We also received a few comments describing the prevalence of scanner laws nationwide [see 22]
Scrolling down
[22]: 22 See, e.g., Comment of ARRL at 12 & n.6, 14 (June 7, 1991); Comment of Association of North American Radio Clubs at 5 (April 30, 1990): Comment of Radio Communications Monitoring Association at 5 (June 6, 1991). With respect to scanner laws at the local level, ARRL has notes that it is difficult to determine the precise number of such ordinances. See Comment of ARRL at 12 (June 7, 1991); See also Letter from ARRL to the Chief, Private Radio Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. (May 26, 1993) (noting local scanner laws in effect in Newton and Overland Park, Kansas, Jersey City, New Jersey, and Kansas City, Missouri).
I guess I just want to make sure that they're not as bad as NYC's laws, where (unlike almost everywhere else) a ham ticket does not give you a pass for mobile scanner use.