They're a volunteer REACT group.
And I actually don't understand why it was added. It has nothing to with Union County at all, and no such group would ever be permitted to operate in Union County, which doesn't work with REACT, ARES, or RACES. You can't barely receive it in Union County anyway and it's really just a rebroadcast of NOAA. And it's not licensed in UC.
Seems like free advertising for a Passaic/Hudson "enthusiast" group and not a valid entry (for Union County).
Just my opinion, but as someone who has worked really closely with some admins to make sure Union County is the role model of relevance and cleanliness for the rest of the DB...Jersey Coastal should really, reallllllllllly be removed from UC.
Wow, I am indeed surprised! What hostility and negativity from this post and such a broad brush stroke against this group!
IMHO it seems that your have issues or complaints agonist them and I ask why?
Now I took a look at their web page and quote:
JCAES Inc. does not interfere with or conduct operations reserved to Public Safety authorities. JCAES Inc. only cooperates with such authorities (Federal, State County and Municipal level Police, Fire, EMS, Emergency Management, Public Works and department of Transportation DOT etc.)and only (does so) when requested and advised by said (authorities)agencies.
As to their actual operations (or fear of those operations) Accordingly, to the above statement
they would have no business in UNION County unless they were actually called in officially by UNION County authorites.
I happen to know a good number of the members of this group and they are either current Public Safety (Police, Fire, EMS, OEM etc.) or retired. Most members have both amateur. GMRS licenses and are well trained in NIMS & ICS.
Now all the listings here RRDB are centered on the counties where their primary repeaters are and their coverage's.
Since the Essex County repeater located in W. Orange, it has the largest coverage foot print. It's heard in more counties.
Also just because they use GMRS as one of their communications tools and have "some" similarities to REACT type organizations. does not make them "whacker"or even a "buff" group.
Your Quote "You can also barely receive their frequency in Union County, which is just a 24/7 rebroadcast of NOAA KWO35 (Channel 7/162.550)."
Again , if you would please
"listen" carefully, It's only the WX Alert broadcasts of Watches and Warnings not the 24/7 constant broadcast.
Also the group is
NOT NJ State Wide and is listed only in the counties where they have their GMRS repeater coverage.
Finaly, They are listed here in the RR DB for the scanner enthusiast to listen. enjoy and monitor.
Thank you,