Johnston Co. EDACS ProVoice system question

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Sep 27, 2005
A couple/three years ago when Johnston co. went on its new digital provoice system I was informed there were no scanners available to track their new system and that it might be some years before scanners may be made available to the average joe to listen in to the traffic.

I see that one kind RR member has been building a database here (and I thank you) for the Johnston Co. Public Safety System recently.

My question - Is there now available to the average joe, say in the Uniden or Radioshack scanners the ability to hear the digital provoice system? I currently work specifically with the last two generations of Uniden 296 and 396 scanners and the Radioshack pro-96. Are these capable?

If not, what is the fallback to listening to the Johnston Co. system - analog or conventional only?....would appreciate some perspective and I hope the answer I am looking and hoping for.....rgds, redclay 1/24


Jan 28, 2005
Clayton NC

Yes I am a contributor to Johnston County that has submitted talkgroups 10-055, 10-047, 12-101, 12-102 08-062, 02-153 and have changed some information with updated information I have learned these talkgroups from doing alot of monitoring. When certain agencys switch over to analog, I can see these talkgroups and understand what it means. Occastionally, you will be able to hear 10-055, which is the Sheriffs Depts Main dispatch channel. This is usually all ProVoice but on occasion the dispatcher for some unknown reason will switch to analog and you will be able to hear the dispatching only. The same goes for 12-021 Benson PD which usually always operates on the south tower Occasionally Johnston Central will switch from the Pro-Voice Dispatching to analog and again you will be able to hear the dispatching only from Benson PD. The same goes for Clayton PD 12-101 which is a channel that Johnston County recently took over. When central decides to switch to analog, you can hear again the dispatching only which usually is done on the north or the west tower. One more channel that sometimes you can hear the dispatcher only, is 08-023 which is EMS Dispatch. Sometimes you can hear the patient information given out but never traffic from the actually EMS paramedic nor the hospital which is provoice talkgroup 08-024. Even more rare you can sometimes hear central on the fire opts channels but any digital traffic of course you can never listen to. However, you can always hear everything on Fire Opts 8, 9, and 10. which is rarely used. If you have an 800mhz scanner, what you can listen to and always hear from both ends are smithfield PD,selma PD, kenly PD, micro PD, pine level PD, princeton PD, and Four Oaks PDs.JCATS transportation, probation officers, school bus garage county smithfield PD patrol 1 and smithfield PD patrol 2 county animal control County PD tacs 02-153 and 02-154 which is used primarily by Four Oaks PD. Alteast you can hear these channels. Considering mostly everything else is digital pro-voice. I own both a PRO-2096 and a PRO-96 and i live right here in smithfield, so the east tower comes in perfect. But neither one of these scanners is capable with recieving ProVoice Digital Traffic but of course will recieve APCO25 which Wake County uses. No scanner will pick up provoice not unless you have a provoice radio. I hope eventually either Johnston County switches to a system such as the viper or they switch to analog all together such as harnett county
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Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC
JH2184 said:
I hope eventually either Johnston County switches to a system such as the viper or they switch to analog all together such as harnett county

1st off JH2184 Thanks for your contributions! Since the wife and I moved from Garner 2 years ago getting info from Johnston County is tough since I only get back to the area every few months to visit family...I wouldn't hold your breath for Johnston County to make any changes to their radio system...they think it works good for them so why make any changes??? I must say that there are "Mutual Aid" talkgroups on the VIPER system for Wake County->Johnston County comms but they would only be used for something major...I can say looking back I enojoyed monitoring Johnston County when it was still all analog edacs :)


Sep 27, 2005
Johnston Co. provoice system

Appreciate all the replies to my query - I figured someone knowledgeable who lives down in johnston must have been putting together the information, but obviously, it requires a lot more patience and scanning time than most are willing to put out....I do the same local scanning for my area of chatham co. and around the western triangle as the viper system moves our way...

The viper system traffic for the johnston co. shp would be the only other way to hear anything going on that wasn't directly mentioned, i believe.

I will put what you have gleaned from your efforts into my scanner and will visit johnston co. soon for a listen....y'all do good work. rgds, redclay 1/25


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
benson nc
The truth about Johnston County Communications!!!!

When you hear a provoice talkgroup goto clear talk it is because a dispatcher has made a mistake and hit a control switch. Sometimes they will go days without catching the error on the dispatch console. The real way to listen to a provoice system such as Johnston
county is to become a part of the "system". I did that and now the powers that control the Johnston County system consider me a valuable communications asset for the county!


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Dec 19, 2002
West of Charlotte NC
scanyou said:
I did that and now the powers that control the Johnston County system consider me a valuable communications asset for the county!

Sounds like you're just being modest :roll:


Jan 18, 2006
Johnston Co EDACS

Johnston County doesn't like anyone hearing whats going on. The media wants radios but there is only 2 people that can program them. One is over 911 and the other is my dad who lives in Clayton. He does alot of radio work on the side for area fire departments and rescue squads.


Nov 13, 2004
Johnston County Pro-Voice

The pro-voice system is in the radios being used. A service monitor that is used to test radios will not decode the digital voice. Firemain is an anolog as well as rescue tac and 3 ops channels. Clayon PD has 8 talk groups, all digital. The original Clayton PD talk group is not used. Mutal aid for Harnett County is by the 3 analog groups 8,9 &10. There are several talk groups that are analog used by several PDs.
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