I dusted off the old Kenwood wide band receiver. It is a continuous 500k to 905M receiver. Any advice for what is available to monitor in today’s updated airwaves?
nice radio indeed. Bought one back in 2009 for $10.00 but ended up selling it.
You can still monitor plenty of analog signals depending on your location.
One of my neighbors is having a yard sale this weekend and as I got home yesterday they asked me if I wanted to take a look at what they have. Well I found among their so called "Junk" a mint condition kenwood RZ-1. I offered $10.00 for it and purchased it. How much are these worth nowadays ??
I have one also. It was handy back in the day as the 800 MHz cell phone band was not locked out on these. I also used it to scan the 800 MHz trunk system channels of our state police prior to the release of the fist generation of trunk tracking scanners. The display eventually went dead on mine and was going to cost more that it was worth to fix. So it sits in a box in my attic.
Today it would be good for scanning analog FM and AM frequencies. These have video output I believe so it could be used to monitor amateur TV broadcasts if anyone still does that.