It may be possible to listen to TDMA and FDMA but it wouldn’t be practical for listening propose. You can go get a Motorola radio what will decode TDMA/FDMA and program all of the voice output channels; just as long as the DV isn’t encrypted you can listen in. It would be crude like when 800MHz trunking came out or listening to a P25 trunking system with a non-Motorola commercial scanner.... You can program all of the VC in your scanner, but it would be VERY painful! You don’t know what TG was transmitting, you can’t filter out anything and had to hit scan until you found your conversation again. But this is transit so why bother... in my opinion. P25 is a standard for all public service; transit doesn’t fall into that category although the TDMA/FDMA would be more appropriate than the P25 system with its options it offers. What’s interesting is KC Metro Sherriff will be on the PS, while the safety folks will be on the transit system.