KC Metro Transit
23952 Transit Police Primary
23984 Transit Police TAC
24016 Metro Transit F-7
24048 Metro Transit F-8
60304 Bus tunnel security
Primary: Dispatch, etc. for Transit police. Dispatched by KCSO. patched to one of the other KCSO dispatch channels during off-peak times, but I forget which one.
TAC: Transit PD's TAC. Rare use.
F-7: Link Control, District Supervisors, Sam12 from the tunnel, and Transit PD can all talk here. Dunno what its purpose is. Rare use.
F-8: Used for Transit PD to talk to the bus dispatchers. Rare use.
Tunnel: Used for the "security" guards to talk to each other throughout the tunnel, from IDS (International District Station) to CPS (Convention Place Station) and everything in between. They're a contracted service from Northwest Security Patrol. All Sam units. Sam-12 seems to be the head honcho. Sam-12 can be different people at different times of the day. Also the little hut along the busway just north of its intersection with Royal Brougham is heard here. It identifies itself as "Royal Brougham" or sometimes just RB. I think I've heard Link Control here too--who controls movement in the tunnel. Constant use.
Sound Transit
All of these are related to
Link Light Rail.
60048 Mainline OPS 1
60080 "OPS 2" AKA "Channel 2"
60112 "Channel 3"
60144 Yard Ops
60176 "Channel 5"
1: Where most of the action is. Trains, contractors, and Link Control all calling each other. Controls movement and ROW (Right-Of-Way).
2: Seconday channel for above.
3: Not sure of its purpose, just referred to as "Channel 3"
Yard Ops: Coordination for moving trains around in the yard (and probably inside the
O&M too)
5: Not sure of its purpose, just referred to as "Channel 5"
ST seems to also have 60208, 60240, 60272, 60336, 60368 but I've gotten very few hits out of them. There are two independent sites inside the
DSTT. If they're doing work inside the tunnel, it's possible all the radios will roam onto one or both of those sites and not onto anything else, so you have to be in or
very near one of the entrances to pick them up. This shouldn't be happening as much any more--the tunnel is open from 05:00 to 19:00 weekdays, but starting May 30, it'll be open 05:00 - 01:00 Monday through Saturday and 06:00 - 00:00 Sunday. LINK's
opening weekend will be July 18. Free rides on special service July 18 and 19 and regular service begins on Monday July 20.