LA Co. 3 pursuits in 2hrs.

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Mar 25, 2006
Greater Los Angeles Area
LAPD had their hands full for a couple of hours tonight. Started off around 2215 hrs on the west side, LAPD in pursuit of a 211 suspect on a motorcycle. This guy had many opportunities to evade police but insisted on driving at or below speed limits with an occasional burst of speed here and there. In addition to his "unusual" driving habits, the suspect was giving some type of hand signals (several "salute" gestures and even what I thought was an occasional middle finger) when approaching or driving through certain intersections. After about an hour or so, traveling e/b Manchester he picked up speed, slowed down and so on, almost seemed as if he was messing with police. That would be the last of his freedom as he pulled over on Manchester, jeo Figueroa and taken into custody w/o incident. I had just gotten home and turned on the tube and caught the above mentioned pursuit already on TV. While I was scanning to find what freq the pursuit was being broadcasted on, I came across Pasadena PD right at the point "vehicle not yielding, in pursuit..." Traveled e/b Huntington into Monrovia onto a minor street which I cannot remember, pulled into a long driveway and to my recollection, gave up (?)(Did anyone catch this? I was watching the moto pursuit on TV at the time) From the start of the Pasadena pursuit to the possible termination was about 15 mins. Thats about the time I heard a media ship fly over and park itself n/o my location ( I live about a mile s/o Monrovia) At around 0030, caught the end of a foot pursuit in LAPD Southeast area, continued listening and heard LAPD Air 8 tracking a wanted suspect e/b 10 @ Fremont, sounded like the suspect blacked out as soon as Air 8 hit him with the night sun. Hollenbeck officers were having to catch up to this guy, as the airship was the first to spot him leaving the area of the crime (unk what the circs. were) As soon as officers went code 6 he was smart enough to pull over and surrender, e/b 10 at Del Mar in San Gabriel, 2 suspects in custody.
what a night, excellent work by all that were involved. Thanks for reading.
Be safe!



Jun 24, 2005
bakersfield, california
Yes i saw the motor bike pursuit and man what a crazy dude and what was with the hand waving?
i live up in bakersfield and it was on kcal 9 till 11pm and then i watched it on kcop ch 13
how come nbc 4 la dosent cover chases ?


Mar 25, 2006
Greater Los Angeles Area
I always wondered about NBC 4 and why they don't cover chases, in fact, I can't even remember the last time they covered a pursuit. Do they even have their own airship? I should remind everyone that this is the station reporter Chuck Henry works at. If you recall last year I believe, during the wildfires in San Bernardino, he was responsible for the news van catching fire when the winds shifted and turned the flames towards the news crew. (Off subject a little, sorry!)
As for the hand waiving in reference to last nights pursuit, I think this guy was high as a kite (this was also mentioned by reporters during the chase)
And for Landon Jensen, code 6 is generally referred to as "out on suspect", "out of vehicle for investigation" or another way to announce their arrival at a scene.


Dec 19, 2002
Western U.S.
Tv 4

Hello. Yes, they do cover them at times. You can hear the studio talking to their chopper on 161.76 MHz.

rananthony04 said:
I always wondered about NBC 4 and why they don't cover chases, in fact, I can't even remember the last time they covered a pursuit. Do they even have their own airship? I should remind everyone that this is the station reporter Chuck Henry works at. If you recall last year I believe, during the wildfires in San Bernardino, he was responsible for the news van catching fire when the winds shifted and turned the flames towards the news crew. (Off subject a little, sorry!)
As for the hand waiving in reference to last nights pursuit, I think this guy was high as a kite (this was also mentioned by reporters during the chase)
And for Landon Jensen, code 6 is generally referred to as "out on suspect", "out of vehicle for investigation" or another way to announce their arrival at a scene.


Jun 23, 2006
Area C
So LAPD doesnt use 10-97?

Originally Posted by rananthony04
I always wondered about NBC 4 and why they don't cover chases, in fact, I can't even remember the last time they covered a pursuit. Do they even have their own airship? I should remind everyone that this is the station reporter Chuck Henry works at. If you recall last year I believe, during the wildfires in San Bernardino, he was responsible for the news van catching fire when the winds shifted and turned the flames towards the news crew. (Off subject a little, sorry!)
As for the hand waiving in reference to last nights pursuit, I think this guy was high as a kite (this was also mentioned by reporters during the chase)
And for Landon Jensen, code 6 is generally referred to as "out on suspect", "out of vehicle for investigation" or another way to announce their arrival at a scene.


Mar 25, 2006
Greater Los Angeles Area
Thank You Mick for the freq.

To answer your question landonjensen, the only time i ever heard an LAPD officer use 10-97 was when I first got my 96, and the dispatcher "corrected" him [if you will], by using "code 6" at the location. hope that makes sense!
Works paging, Gotta go get me a cold one;)


May 15, 2006
Costa Mesa, Ca
hearing chases

I was listening to a chase in Long Beach 20 mins before the news picked it up and even the dispatch stated to the PD "this was being televised" Then, when they got on the 405-S CHP took over i switched to CHP gold (they gave me the cue) and listened to the primary CHP chase vehicle transmissions while watching it on tv. I heard every plan to spike strip,pit manuver and other ways to stop him then he exit on Redhill and drove down a dead end street in Tustin and they knew they had him. (they requested a k9 at the scene) Thats the best scanning when your basically riding shotgun in the chase. Keep those CHP freqs. handy.


Feb 19, 2006
Off the Air
LAPD Codes

landonjensen said:
So LAPD doesnt use 10-97?
No, LAPD doesn't use any 10-codes at all, and as far as I know, never has. A number of common (and a few unique) "900" codes are used for entering calls into the CAD system, such as 921 for prowler, 918 for person with possible mental illness, 920 for missing person, but these calls, if they're voice-broadcast, are dispatched using plain language: "prowler", "missing adult", "male with mental illness" etc.

Neither does LAPD use 11-codes, such as CHP's, and again I don't think they ever have. There should be someone on here who would know.

I have a few pages of the more commonly used codes from the Department Manual at but keep in mind that it's only a cursory explanation of the codes. There are hundreds of pages of details and instructions for the dispatchers for when and how these and other codes are handled in the CAD system, the exact terminology used on the air, and so on.
Last edited:


Jul 15, 2004
landonjensen said:
I watched it on the news, wow at times he really took of at times. What is code 6?

a code 6 is where they Basically SNEAK onto the scene
as to NOT scare any perps or victims away...
NO Sirens NO HORNS ,etc BUT get there as FAST as ya can...
Could be wrong but that's what it meant when MY dad was a patrolman..


Feb 19, 2006
Off the Air
rananthony04 said:
thanks radio_lady for the informative insight regarding the terminology. Got anymore where that came from?
The entire LAPD "Department Manual" is online at , but the communications-related stuff is in Volume 4 at from sections 105 through 130.30.

That's only the department-wide manual, though, and as any large bureaucracy seems to guarantee, there are a lot of other manuals and documents that pertain to specific divisions or topics, though none of them are online AFAIK. There's the Traffic Manual, Confidential Informant Manual, Unusual Occurrence Manual, Detective Operations Manual, Homicide Manual, Field Training Ofcr Manual, Officer Involved Shootings Manual, Board of Rights Manual, Employee Selection Manual, Uniform and Personal Equipment Manual, Product Evaluation Manual, Overtime Manual, Jail Operations Manual, Mental Evaluation Manual, Emergency Operations Manual, Juvenile Manual. And probably others I've forgotten or never heard of.

Communications Division has its own divisional procedures manual, plus other training and technical publications, intranet "help" and reference files, etc. But the info in that Vol 4 covers most of what you're likely to hear over the scanner without getting into all the background stuff that wouldn't be of interest to most listeners anyway.


Jul 15, 2004

Once Again you come through..
You should get a copy of the GRS 2006 Ca State Editions
AND the related Guides.
They havve SO MUCH INFO
If you Need ANYTHING concerning frequs
then PM me
..I will do my best


Feb 19, 2006
Off the Air
"Code 6"

cristisphoto said:
a code 6 is where they Basically SNEAK onto the scene
as to NOT scare any perps or victims away...
NO Sirens NO HORNS ,etc BUT get there as FAST as ya can...
Could be wrong but that's what it meant when MY dad was a patrolman..
That's certainly possible in some places, but at LAPD it simply means that a unit is "out to investigate" something or other, or, if they're responding to a radio call, that they are on scene. Communications Div doesn't particularly care if they're sneaking in or going in like gangbusters, so to speak <g>.

For one-officer units except supervisors, the RTO (dispatcher) will "echo" back the unit and location for all Code 6s, so other units are aware of solo officers' activities. They will also "echo" the first unit to report Code 6 at urgent (Code 2) and emergency (Code 3) calls, regardless of whether it's a one- or two-officer unit or a supervisor. For obvious safety reasons, plainclothes officers who respond to radio calls are always supposed to radio in that they're "Code 6 in plain clothes," which the RTO will also repeat for everyone's benefit. Absent any of those circumstances, a routine Code-6 is acknowledged with a simple "17A83 (or whoever), roger."

What did I say about "background stuff that wouldn't be of interest to most listeners anyway." ? <LOL>


Jul 15, 2004
Rog that
I dont think many agencies outside of California uses a Code 6
I Know Oakland.Ca and LAPD use a Code 6
Wheras if you said to a SFPD officer thay would look you like you were from Jupiter...

YA learn somting new everyday Right???!!!!:wink:
FYI Learning new thing are good for your endorphins..
Basically a good natural high before humans got bored and started manfacturing controlled subsances...
But hey thats a WHOLE nother topic
Much love to you Radiolady
And be well


Feb 19, 2006
Off the Air
cristisphoto said:
Once Again you come through..
FYI You should get a copy of the GRS 2006 Ca State Editions
AND the related Guides.
They havve SO MUCH INFO
Thank you and you're right, they are excellent. I used to buy the Southern California GRS editions before he quit publishing them, but I haven't picked up his State of California or Federal books in several years.
cristisphoto said:
If you Need ANYTHING concerning frequs
then PM me
..I will do my best
I'll keep that in mind. t/y



Jul 15, 2004
I FINNALLY bought the Ca Fed state and The Golden Gate
ANd I AM More than pleased..
It has more than I can even begin to think to request...
And Accurate, thorough..
So YEP I gots the hookups:D :lol:


Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
rananthony04 said:
LAPD had their hands full for a couple of hours tonight.
Robert, can you please use the CA subforum for incidents and news such as this in the future? Thanks.

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