Absolutely positive. I'm all-but line-of-sight to the transmitter, I think; the signal is booming in, it's clear and distinctive, no interference, no phase noise, no flutter, and a PSR-800 placed right next to the PSR-600 (which had been decoding the control channel on that very frequency over the last few days with no problems) is decoding the control channel just fine.
I *am* using the PC outputs on both radios... which means I'm relying on GRE's DSP to do the churning - the -800's DSP is evidently more tolerant of whatever is happening than the -600's.
I would argue that P2 is a bit more than a voice thing, given that demodulating TDMA requires different hardware (though certainly - once the system is vetted, up and running that's functionally true). I guess, what I'm wondering, is whether or not there's a test mode in which the CC stream can be sent visible to the tdma demodulator, invisible to the fdma ... (giving a nice, steady, well-known stream of data to tweak the tdma modulator/demodulator stages)...
It is, admittedly, a long-shot, but I have this thing about eliminating long-shots... 8*)
Are you sure it's a control channel? If so there may not be enough identification coming over the CC to cause a reaction. You would have to look at the scanner's raw PC/IF output. I've seen it before. It's a Harris system so sometimes their junk acts strange in new builds.
Also, with Phase II the control channel will not be affected. P2 is strictly a voice thing.
>>> Update... Ok, I just fired everything up - and... the signal is full kershmash, but it's not decoding on the -600 or the -800 tonight (and actually sounds a little ratty to the ear, but that's subjective at best). I think I'm willing to write this off as a burn-in issue, barring information that suggests otherwise... //b