Noticed this morning that the Dripping Springs site is broadcasting a different RFSS/Site ID of 151/01 (decimal) instead of 127/27. All neighbors to the site seem to be the same, with the addition of 161/01 on cch of 773.05625 which I can’t pick up from here in Dripping. I also ran Pro96com on the Austin site (101/01) - it’s still showing 127/27 as an adjacent site, but status is “failed, stale”. Austin site also showed 102/02 as “failed, stale”. I got similar results running site 114/14: 102/02, 127/27, and 150/50 (never seen before) are all showing “failed, stale” - with 151/01 as a neighbor and same cch as 127/27. 161/01 is also an adjacent site to 114/14. I don’t know how long it’s been that way - hadn’t turned on the G5 in a couple of weeks and it wouldn’t connect this morning. Oddly enough, APX doesn’t seem to care - it was still getting traffic.